help me, please

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"mideivel this, mideivel that."


"so... is your name count dracula? what's with the coffin? do you live in a castle? why are you so pale? why are not being burnt by the su-"

"shut up... please."

[name]'s mouth gaped as she fiddled with the fabric of her scarf, eyes narrowing at the man who sat across from her on the boat.

well, more like at the edge of the boat since she's sitting on his throne.

" polite, i almost don't want to curse you."

"your brash language does not affect me in any way, so it's useless either way."

"wha-?! i compliment you and this is what you say to me?! rude!"

'but then again, he let me sit on his throne or whatever the hell this is instead of just letting me sit on the edge of the boat.... hmmm...'

she rubbed her chin thought, trying to analyze the man's body language and expression- or lack thereof i guess.

blud is practically stoic.

" name is monkey d. [name]! pleased ta' meet ya."

the man gave her a raised brow, wondering why she's being so casual around him after he quite literally almost murdered her on the first meeting.

"who are you? are you a pirate?"

"huh... didn't even introduce yourself. this is why men sucks-"

"dracule mihawk. that's my name."

[name] gasped dramatically, pointing a finger at him with wide eyes.

"so you are a vampire! your name is dracule! like, dracula?! please don't bite and suck my blood off, i don't taste good-!"

"i'm not a vampire..."

this earned a sigh of relief from the girl as she placed a hand on her chest to calm her raising heart.

"oh thank goodness... hmm, actually let me take what i said back- i think i'd taste pretty good for a vampire because duh it's me-"

"answer my question... please."

"stop cutting me off-! and stop being so polite, i feel bad for shouting at you!"

ruffling her hair with a scowl, [name] glared at the man who merely shrugged his shoulders, his hat tipping over as he tilted his head.

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