Chapter 39

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Both from outside and inside...

"NO ONE TO SAVE YOU PUNK!!" the boy yelled at the top of his voice.

"And nerver WILL BE!!" another boy yelled, laughing afterwards.

Another boy grabbed his hairs. San opened his eyes for a split of second, vision still blurry because of tears. He saw another boy now. He was pointing his fists towards him, in the air, ready to punch.

San closed his eyes, letting more tears out. The boy moved his arm at a high velocity towards San's face.

But before it could contact, the bell rang.

"Huh!!! Lucky bastard!!" San was jerked by his collars to the side. He fell on his arms, colliding with the cold ground.

San was a sobbing mess now, hiccups occasionally came out as he slowly wiped his cheeks...

A few months later~~

"San!! Where the hell IS my money that I had kept of the table?!" his head screamed from down stairs.

San slowly ascended down the stairs, shaking slightly. He gulped thickly.

"D-dad, actually I spent it t-to buy a notebook... A-all of my c-copies were finish-hed..." San said, stuttering in fear.

San's family was not at all rich. They were not even a middle class family. His father was the only one earning for his family. He was short tempered.

Evidently, they were poor. Very poor.

"YOU LITTLE BRAT!!" he screamed.

Before San could back off, a harsh slap sent him on the ground with a thud.
San heard the sound of loosing belt.

"I-I'm s-sorr-" before he could finish, a hard lash had again sent him down on the ground, on his arm. San cried loudly.

1... 2.... 3...

San cried more loudly.

His father was very short tempered. With little little things and arguments he becomes angry. And he was, beating a boy who was only in 5th grade.

San's back was blood red by now. He continued to cry.

Within a few minutes, his mother came running from outside. She apparently had went outside. Throwing her bag on the ground, she came inbetween them.

San was crying like crazy. Hiccups could he heard occasionally. He could hear the muffled arguments between his parents.

It wasn't the first time he was beaten by his father. Whenever something went bad because of San, he was beaten with the same frickin' belt. There were also some times when he would be locked in a room, with his father beating him senseless.

He would always cry but to no avail. He always heard those same words:-

"You are always pathetic. Never able to protect or save yourself. Never brave! Never bold! Couldn't able to handle a single small fight with your frickin' classmates! Never able to fight!!"

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