35. Short trip

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The thickness in the room was as palpable as the weight on my heart. If you were to ask me what was going on, I wouldn't be able to state it as a matter of fact. All I knew was that we, along with our father, were discussing the progress of the project. However, half of my mind was occupied by something else – Olivia, to be exact.

I knew she had no ill intentions in her actions the other night. She was merely looking out for the family. I hadn't expected Scott to be so open to the matter. I had wanted to intervene but decided it was best to remain silent. Part of me knew that they were right. Such gestures were not a part of the Nero family culture. We didn't take birthday celebrations seriously, nor did we embrace events that wouldn't benefit father positively.

Birthdays were not something I looked forward to, nor had I ever dreamt of them. The last birthday I had celebrated was when I was twelve. I remembered that day vividly. It was the day that revealed my father's true colors, the day he took on a new wife despite promising my mother that he was done having affairs. Nonetheless, I didn't take that too much to heart since she wasn't the first woman he had been with. She was the second, and I had learned the hard way not to believe that my father had a soft spot for his children beyond them being a numerical asset for him. We, his children – Scott, the eldest, me, and even Liam and Collins – were merely his puppets. It was as simple as that.

"Logan, are you even listening to what we're discussing?" His voice jolted through my eardrums like a loudspeaker.

"Yes, father. You were saying..." I trailed off, hoping he'd catch me up on what he was actually discussing.

His eyes narrowed on me for a split second. I was certain he knew my attention wasn't fully on him. "I said the merchandise for the game pad is available at a very reasonable rate in the market right now. At this stage, we should be able to get through the first half without worrying about the prices skyrocketing."

I glanced at the laptop in front of me, where everything was summarized, making it easier to understand the details of the project. "You're right. I believe this is the right time to start working on our Bluetooth device. Since we have the market and the investors under our control"

"What do you think, Scott?" he asked, turning to an attentive Scott, who seemed to be absorbing every detail. As for Liam and Collins, I had no idea what their thoughts were. The bored expression on Collins' face was enough to indicate that he had no choice but to sit amongst us.

"I agree with Logan. Since we don't have any other pending projects, we should start implementing this as soon as possible, before other competitors get their hands on it," Scott responded. Father nodded in agreement with Scott's viewpoint.

"Why don't you take care of that, Scott? I have another project in mind for Logan."

I quickly gave him a confused look. He couldn't just tell me to back out of something I'd been planning for a while. It was my idea in the first place. "Father, you know how much I've been anticipating this project," I voiced my concern.

"I know. But this project needs more of your attention. I'm sure Scott and Liam will be able to handle it. I have already discussed it with the team in Santorini. The earlier we strike the deal, the better. You know how we do things. It's not like if you don't participate in it, it will be a problem. You guys have been handling everything together. Finish this one up," with that, he pushed his chair back, stood up, and walked away.

What just happened? Did he just throw more work onto my plate? Father had a way of bringing up projects out of the blue. I don't know how much he wants the company's assets to grow.

"Wow, Father just made it clear to us who he wants to inherit the company in the future," Liam's voice was sharp as he spoke.

"What do you mean?"

"Well... I mean nothing. I'm just amazed at how much Father is entrusting his company to you. You know... you're always the first person he gives the best projects to."

"Mind your tongue, Liam. We're not here to play," I warned, but it was as if I added more fuel to his anger. Liam always knew how to run his mouth.

"I didn't say anything wrong, did I, Scott? You're always left to finish the half-baked projects, even as the eldest. Don't you think it's unfair? At this point, Father will make him the chairman."

"Enough, Liam!" I slammed my fist on the table. "There's a limit to what you can say. We're not here to compete for the chairman position. What you should focus on is making progress in your own part of the company, not spreading bitterness," I growled. I was holding myself back, resisting the urge to let my anger explode, but Liam always seemed to find a way to provoke me. I didn't hold any grudges against either of them. The position or our father's favor didn't matter to me. I couldn't care less about being promoted to a higher position. I was just doing what needed to be done.

"You two should stop it already. Liam, mind your language. We're not fighting for a position; we're doing what needs to be done as sons," Scott finally intervened, standing up.

Collins followed suit after Scott walked out. Liam's anger was palpable as he shot me a look of disdain and left as well. I closed my eyes to calm my nerves. This wasn't the time to let Liam's  issues affect me. He might have other motives behind his bitterness towards me, but I had much bigger things on my plate than to follow his lead.

Things like putting an end to the secret of Olivia's stay at the house. Because no matter how much I thought about it, she was not at fault for what was happening in my family. I was the one responsible for it all. I shouldn't have brought her to the house; she wouldn't have had to go through all that bitterness alone.

I hadn't been as concerned about her as I was when I entered my office, only to be engulfed by the looming silence within. Thoughts of her continued to invade my brain cells. Her presence seemed to haunt my every moment, and I couldn't even find peace in sleep without her crossing my mind. The guilt in the pit of my stomach grew, knowing that I was burdening her with my family's rules and traditions. It was time for a change; I couldn't allow my fears to cloud my judgment any longer. She deserved to be free, not confined by our family's expectations.

I must admit, I know little about her, but the time we've spent together has transformed me in ways I can't fully comprehend. I've never been good at expressing my emotions. I wasn't truthful with Tiffany, but Olivia's case was different. She's unique, and I'd be damned if I continue to deny my feelings for her. Brian was right; I do have feelings for Olivia, and denying them could end up breaking me.

I reached for my phone, contemplating composing a message to Olivia. Perhaps we could talk over lunch; I had been wanting to take her out. But before I could start typing, a knock on the door and Abigail's presence grabbed my attention. It seemed I couldn't catch a moment of peace. Just minutes earlier, I had been in a discussion with my father, and now Abigail was here with another mounting issue.

"What is it, Abigail?" I asked irritably.

"Mr. Nero asked me to give you this. He said you should fly out to Greece as soon as possible," Abigail informed me.

"What!" I exclaimed aloud. We hadn't even had a chance to sit down and discuss things, and yet he wants me to rush and strike the deal. Sometimes, my father acts faster than his own shadow.

"Sir, should I book the flight?" Abigail's voice spoke again, receiving silence from me in return.

"Yes, please. It's just a one-day trip, so I don't have to pack anything," I said, dismissing her. As I heard the door shut behind her, I exhaled a deep breath. The thought of calling Olivia slipped out of my mind instantly. I needed to finish the deal first. After that, I would mentally and physically prepare myself and then tell everyone everything.

I wouldn't beat around the bush anymore. Olivia had begun changing my perspective on life—how I wanted to live, my choices, and my own fears. It was time to take a stand. "Hang in there, Olivia. I will make it up to you," I mumbled, slipping my phone back into my pocket and preparing to leave for my trip.

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