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                     ✿ [Y/N] POV

"What are you saying?" I asked Daisy, trying to pull myself together.

She scoffed before laughing, holding her fan up to her face, "[Y/N], just make it easier on yourself, and admit you like him."

I huffed, annoyed, "I don't like him." I lied, slightly. Our dance together was enough to make me more eager to see him again, to stare into his captivating brown eyes.

   Daisy hummed, and I saw her staring at the boy she has just been talking with, I then slapped her on the elbow. Her dark eyes came up to glare at me.

"You are engaged." I reminded her and she winced slightly before plastering a smile on her red lips. "Of course. There's nothing wrong with wanting a friend though?"

  I nodded at her reply. "I'm meeting with Tewkesbury when the clock hits eleven." Daisy turned towards me again, taking her gaze off the boy. She giggled and rubbed my elbow.

"When you get back tell me everything!" She paused, a glint of mischief in her eyes, "I can tell you like him. I've known you since we were children [N/N]."

"Well you definitely like him more than Philli-" I nudged her shoulder harshly when Phillip approached us, his eyes narrowing at the sight of Daisy.

  He smiled when he saw me, seeming genuinely happy. Seeing him like that made me feel sorry, for not being able to give him what he's wants. My love.

"Phillip! We were just talking about you!" Daisy said, bringing out her overly friendly voice. Phillips perfect lips rose into a smirk, "Good things I hope."

  I nodded, smiling, trying to seem flustered by his presence. Suddenly, Lorenzo, Daisys to-be husband walked up to us, and stood next to Phillip. I noticed Daisy's shoulder droop down.

"My love." Lorenzos tanned hand came up to stroke Daisys pale cheek. Daisy smiled as he went to stood next to her.

   The next two hours seemed to go by forever. Phillip, never leaving my side. He was practically clung to me by the hip. Enola came over and talked to us for a little bit, making the conversation less horrible.

   What made things worse, is I constantly made eye contact with Tewkesbury. His gaze bored into mine, making my cheeks flush red. I always gots scared that Phillip would notice but thankfully he never did.

  The real panic started when I saw Tewkesbury begin to approach us, before he got stopped by his friend who also happened to be the same boy that Daisy had been talking to.

I looked towards the large clock that was displayed in the ballroom.

  Five minutes until eleven.

I felt my heart flutter as I looked back into Tewkesbury direction to see him already staring at me.

    I turned my head to see Phillip distracted, talking with Lorenzo and Daisy, so I took it upon me to take out my fan and wave it slightly in his direction. Which told him, 'almost time.'

He seemed to have understood as he smirked before taking one last sip of the glass he was holding, he told the boy Daisy had been talking with something and I saw the boy smirk before looking in my direction.

I felt more nervous by the second. I watched as Tewkesbury walked out, most likely to the library where I had told him to meet with me.

  I returned my attention to Phillip, I made eye contact with Daisy and gestured my head towards the clock. She nodded, understanding. "I have to go the bathroom." I told Phillip, Lorenzo stopped talking to look at me with dark hazel eyes.

"I can go with you." Phillip offered immediately and I shook my head in response. "I'll be okay."

  He didn't seem convinced, "I promise." I told him, bring my hand to gently cup his cheek. He smiled happily when I did so.

   I excused myself and made my way out of the large ballroom and through the sea of people. I walked out and made my way towards the library. It took me a couple of minutes and when I made it I saw there was a light that had been lit.

  I walked in and looked around. I walked in some more and looked around the large library.

Then I felt a pair of large hands crawl up my face, palms covering my eyes.

"Guess who?"

"Tewkesbury?" I asked as his hands fell from my face. I turned my head to look behind me and I was faced with the boy I had grown to become a bit fond of.

"[Y/N]." He said, looking at me with those eyes. I felt my ears get hotter.

"I would be lying if said I wasn't looking forward to seeing you." I told him smiling, I walked away from him and towards a bookshelf.

He smirked, looking pleased at my words. He walked towards me and I backed away. He looked confused before I teasingly smirked and shook my head 'no' at him.

"You're quite the teaser, Lady [Y/N], Vicountess of Bradbury." He grinned walking close to me and cornering me into the bookshelf.

My breath hitched at how close he was, our chests were touching. My head was titled upwards as he was taller than me.

His eyes lingered at my eyes and then down at my lips, I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't.

  Then, suddenly, he lowered his head and our lips connected. I froze for a couple of seconds stunned before I kissed him back, I put my arm around the back of his neck and his hands came up to cup my face as his kissed me more passionately.

   I felt tears swell up in my eyes as I gently put my hands on his chest to push him away. He looked down at me with a confused expression when he saw a tear fall down my face.

"I can't." I told him softly, remembering Phillip.

  He looked exasperated, "Why?"

"Because I'm not supposed to like you." I cried softly, I wanted to kiss him more, but it's so frustrating that I can't.

"What do you mean?" Tewkesbury asked, sounding almost hurt.

  I sighed before raking a hand through my hair, "My mother wants me to marry Phillip Golding for more power."

  He groaned before speaking, "You don't love him do you?" I shook my head, I care about Phillip but I don't love him. Not like that.

"I knew it." Tewkesbury muttered sounding angry before raising his hand to touch my face. "I can court you." He offered and I shook my head again.

"Tewkesbury your not listening. My parents are angry with yours, your father didn't support my father and now we're losing money. You're the last person they would want me to get with- my mother is furious with your family." I explained and his eyes softened.

"Your parents would do that to you?" He asked, sympathy wavering in his voice

I thought for a moment before nodding, another tear falling down my face. "Not my father, he wants me to be happy no matter what."

"And he would allow your mother to do this?"

   I shook my head, "He haven't an idea."

He brought his fingers up to his lips in thought before speaking again, "I can save you. I can court you."

"I don't need saving. I will deny Phillip no matter what my mother does."

  He smirked at my reply, "Shall we start writing letters to each other? To get know each other better?"

   I smiled at the thought.

"That would be lovely."


Hey! Thanks for reading!

This is gonna be the last chapter for a little since I start school in two days (I literally wanna die) and I'm not gonna have a lot of time writing I think-

Anyways first kiss!! Progress!

-your friend that hates school and definitely doesn't want it to start

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