Jack Torrance x Reader (Part 2)

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As we walked to the dining room I saw his wife flee out of the corner of my eye. She was heading towards my room, knowing that I probably hid her son there. She trusted me and I her.

Once we were in the dining room I heard The scampering of two people leaving the motel in a hurry. I smiled at Jack, who sat across from me, but really I was smiling knowing that the two got out alive. Jack took both of my hands, his intense gaze boring into my worried eyes.

"Now," He started, "Let's talk."


And talk we did... well, sort of. Jack was mostly the one talking, asking questions here and there while the one sided conversation continued. He complained about his wife and constantly compared me to her saying how much better I was and how lucky he was to finally get me.

"And I promise to throw that little ol' axe away," He grinned, "I was just trying to spook her, that's all."

  His hands were still clasped around mine as if I would disappear and any moment. I had tried to pull away once or twice but that just resulted in a threatening gaze and him pulling back.

"I'll believe it when I see it," My voice dry and bored, "I don't ever want to see you with it again."

"Pinky promise."

  He let go of one of my hands for the first time after awhile and stuck out his pinky to me, I raised a brow. I wasn't amused by this like Jack.

"Pinky promise?" I scoffed.

  He nodded with a mischievous grin, I hooked my pinky with his and his smile grew. Jack pulled away, sighing happily to himself.

"Now what to do? What to do?" He thought aloud to himself.

"How about we just go to our respective rooms and sleep?" I suggested, trying to be clear with the fact that I didn't want to sleep in the same room as him.

He laughed at my suggestion and stood up, "You make me laugh, Y/N."

   I crossed my arms and stood up, watching as Jack walked over to me with his arm out. I reluctantly linked my arm with his and he guided me out of the room without room to speak.

"Why so quiet all of a sudden?" He cooed, "You are usually chattier."

"When I had a reason to be, yes." I responded coldly.

"What changed?" He asked innocently.

"You did."

His expression was stone cold before he slammed me against the wall of the hallway, his hand holding my jaw and the other hand pinning my wrists above my head. I yelped with freight and surprise, looking up to see a crazed man once again.

"Nothing changed in me, sweetheart," he drawled, "I'm still the same man the first time we met."

I rolled my eyes at him, "Yes, definitely not like you didn't try to kill your family because of an infatuation."

"It's hardly an infatuation."

  I was about to speak once more before he smashed his lips against mine, possessively taking control as he pressed his body against mine. His tongue grazed against my lips before invading my mouth in a battle of dominance.

He broke off the kiss and let out an airy laugh, "Still believe it's just an infatuation, sweetheart?"

  I nodded, breathless.

"Then now about we take it to the room?"

  Jack's body that was previously pressed up against me backed away before picking me up and carrying me off to his room.

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