I'm Sorry

858 10 290

uh tw for:

broken limb(s)

blood (kinda)

falling down the stairs like a dumbass

other ships (bombjay, fantube (bi-gender fan))

and gay people



I wiped my tears as I heard someone opening the door. I looked up to see Nickel slowly walking in. I sighed and laid back down, facing the other way. I heard him sigh and walk to the bathroom. At least he didn't say another rude remark to me. I sat back up and opened my journal. I got it a little bit before season 2 started to write about my feelings. I would sometimes draw in it as well. Most of the drawing are really depressing since OJ didn't let me in the hotel and it was a really.. hard time for me.

I opened it to a new page and grabbed a pencil.

Dear Diary, (I don't know why I say that since this really isn't a diary but whatever)

I feel like Nickel will never know the REAL me. He always thinks that I'm exactly like I was in season one. Well I have news for you Nickel, PEOPLE CHANGE. Unlike you. I tried to talk some sense into him and now I'm not speaking to him. He deserves it anyways, but for some reason it's making me feel all icky. Like I feel bad. I don't really know why considering he was being a jerk to me first, but it feels like I'm forcing myself to do this. When he helped me with my nightmare I thought that meant that we were gonna grow closer and maybe even become friends? Or more.. WHAT AM I EVEN TALKING ABOUT?! I'm erasing this.

Nvm, my eraser is broken. This is why I hate pencils.

I closed the book and through it. Nickel came out of the bathroom and was met with a book through at him. Oops. "ACK-" He tripped and fell on the floor. His nose was bleeding. I almost laughed but held it in as I went over to get my book. "Oww! What the hell?!" "Sorry, I guess." He held his nose as he stood up. "I think it's broken!" "That seems like a personal issue." He quickly left the room.

I found myself laughing a bit. Gosh, he's so c- dumb. I realized there was a bit of blood on my book and sighed. Guess I have to wash it a little. I grabbed a disinfecting wipe and wiped the blood stain off. Should I go make sure he's okay? I mean, I don't want to be like him, always rude and has no empathy. I suddenly hear a loud bang in the hallway.

I throw my book on my bed and leave my room to check. I looked down the stairs (A/N: the stairs are really open and kinda wide, also the rooms on are the 3rd floor) I saw someone with silver hair at the bottom of them.



I threw water in face. I can't believe I was that mean to Balloon. Lightbulb and Candle are pretty smart. Okay maybe not Lightbulb, but she's good at friendship advice. I came out of the bathroom and was met with a book through at him. "ACK-" I tripped and fell on the floor. My nose was bleeding!! And it hurt like hell. "Oww! What the hell?!" "Sorry, I guess." I held my nose as I stood up. "I think it's broken!" "That seems like a personal issue." I was shocked that Balloon was acting like this. I ran out the room and closed the door.

I speed walked down the hall, still holding my nose. I felt tears form in my eyes as my vision went blurry. Is that what I was like? Is that what I am? I'm such a horrible person. I probably deserved this. My karma must be catching up to me. I ran down the stairs and-

I tripped.

I felt my body tumbling down the stairs. I hit my head and leg multiple times. I fell to the bottom of the steps and then everything went black.

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