40|Prepare for War

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Enzo's POV

I slowly opened my eyes as I tried to wake myself up.

I turned my head and she was fast asleep right next to me.

Her breaths were slow and steady as she peacefully slept.

She was so beautiful.

I have to force myself out of bed most mornings because I can't take my eyes off of her.

Her body made a shiver before she went back to breathing normally.

She was so damn cute.

I stretched my hand and brushed my hands through her hair.

She was a hard sleeper too. This woman could sleep through a damn shootout.

I still don't know how she doesn't wake up in the mornings when I am getting ready.

The table once fell down and Elianna did not even flinch.

She inched herself closer to me and wrapped herself on me.

This wasn't the first time she had done this.

She held felt like a teddy bear. She was so warm, soft and comfy.

No wonder kids go crazy over that shit.

I could smell her vanilla scent radiating off of her. She always smelt so good.

Her birthday is coming up soon. I should get her a vanilla set.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I don't even get stuff for Seb's birthday.

She's changing me.

I can't stop thinking about that night she came to my office.

I didn't know she thought of me like that. She was a mess.

She wanted to have sex with me and I don't know if it was because it was nearly two in the morning or not but she seemed extra hot.

Her being so sexually frustrated just turned me on so much.

I swear I was about to lose my shit.

I couldn't give her the sex that she had wanted.

She was already in tears and I didn't even start.

I had to take a pause when I pulled down her panties. She was just perfect.

I swear if I had done what I wanted, she would get pregnant.

I couldn't do it to her. I left as soon as I saw she was pleasured enough.

If I stayed one more second longer, she would still be crying.

When I look back at it now, I still don't regret not giving her everything.

She wouldn't be able to handle it.

She drives me crazy but I can't lie, she is changing me. I'm happier now and I don't want to kill every idiot who crosses my path.

I slowly lifted her up as I got out of bed.

I opened my drawer and placed her phone on the bed next to her.

This whole time she hasn't asked me back for her phone.

She hasn't even been complaining much to me either.

I forced myself to take my eyes off her and quickly got ready.

I traced my fingers over my scars as I watched myself in the mirror.

Every time I see them, I get angry.

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