8. Minty Fresh

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[Zoya POV]

To be very honest, I didn't know why I was doing this. Heck, I didn't even know what I was doing when I found myself walking briskly across from my confounded friends.

See, I'd had this bright idea about talking to the the fellow humans who had been unfortunate enough to be dragged into this unknown planet along with me and my friends.

I mean, just a few hours or so ago, none of us knew another planet with life existed. So, I thought it was a brilliant thing to suspect that the human guys had to do something about it. Like, it's worth a shot, right? Maybe if I talked to them, they might accidentally spill something.

I knew they were blaming Reverie for somehow being dragged in here. But I swear on my favourite brand of peanut-butter that I didn't see any of those men in the tent with us when I was sucked in.

I mean, I'm not like Inara to suspect they're some sort of wizards or something, but it wouldn't hurt, right?

Aside from all that nonsense, I couldn't shake off the thought that we're probably locked inside a wooden box right now. Like, maybe this wasn't a whole different planet. Maybe this was like a. . . I haven't actually figured that out yet.

But most of all, I felt guilty. I should be guilty.

It was me afterall who pointed out that scary fortune teller's tent.

And maybe it was that guilt that lead me to finally stop being superfluous to my friends, that lead me to walk through the streets of an unknown (potentially) alien planet, all by myself.

I haven't even walked through the streets of earth on my own. What was wrong with me?

I really wanted to be of some help to my friends, I think. I've always wanted to. It didn't matter if what I was about to do was the most stupidest decision I've ever made, I just. . . didn't want to feel like an extra, you know? For once, I actually wanted to do something resourceful. Like spying on the self-proclaimed human dudes, for example.

Also, I think might've not mentioned my curiosity to find out more about what Yoongi guy said. You know what they say, curiosity kills the cat. I couldn't helpt it. I'm a very curious person, you see.

It's like when I get curious about something, I temporarily lose all my ability to think straight or make rational decisions. Not like I'm any better at it even when I'm apparently thinking straight.

I turned round a corner, squirming a bit as I saw the way the alien pedestrians eyes followed me as I ventured through their streets.

It was like they were judging me, scrutinising everything that I did; from the way I walked to the amount of oxygen I took in. It was nerve-wracking. Their piercing green eyes that were glued to me made my anxiety skyrocket.

It was all probably because of my carr- no, traffic cone costume. I did take the hood off to look less like a traffic cone, but my flaming red hair was like a sore toe among all the subtle brunette heads around me. And of course the bright orange costume wasn't doing any good to make me any more subtle.

I knew I didn't know what to do when I get attention, but I would be lying if I said I didn't crave it.

See, it's challenging to stand out among a group of exceptional people, my friends. Not that I disliked my friends or felt jealous; it's just that all my friends were so distinct and unique that I ended up feeling so...ordinary. So average.

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