VI: Heartbroken

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((I want to make a quick note. Im not sure when Mary and Arthur "broke up" so I'm keeping it the same year if you guys feel I should change the time period, I'll change it. Maybe I'll change the time period in the next chapter bc I feel like I need to have John in the story now. The story is getting boring without him. Also wanted to apologize for the delay. I went to a few concerts recently and I got sick because it was raining at all but one so, Im sorry for the delay... I've been sick and been working...))




Arthur has been bringing Mary to camp for awhile now and I've barely spoken two words to Arthur. I know that its messed up for me to not talk to him over a silly little relationship, but its not about that. I was upset about Arthur and Mary, but I'll get over it eventually. That's not why I was upset and still am. It was the fact that he brought Mary to the secret spot. That pissed me off! Only three people were to know about it. Momma, him, and I! That's it! He knew that and still brought Mary up there. Maybe I'm being petty or jealous, but that doesn't matter. From now on I won't be telling Arthur any big secrets of mine, not with Mary around anyhow. However, I've recently noticed that Arthur and Mary have been arguing and as much as Arthur tries, they aren't quiet about it at all. I try not to listen to it but I am kind of nosey so obviously I'm gonna listen but not make it obvious. 

Today was one of those days where they were argument about god knows what, but it got so bad that Mary got on her horse and left. Arthur sat on his cot staring at his feet. I was still getting over my feeling but Arthur is my friend and I wanted to make sure he was okay. "Hey there cowboy" I said trying to sound friendly even though I was wincing at myself on the inside. "I don't want to talk about it Y/N, not in the mood" he said still looking at his feet. I sat down next to him on the cot, "You don't have to talk, just listen, okay?" He nodded. "I know that you and I don't really talk as much as we used to. That's partially my fault. I've keepin my distance for many reasons...that I'm gonna keep to myself..." I paused looking down, rubbing my hands on my pants. "But, the point I'm tryin to make is when we were younger we used to talk to each other about everythin. I just want you to know can still talk to me, and even though I was upset before... you can still go to the spot when you need it... I'm still here Arthur, you can still come to me when you need to talk... I promise." I said with teary eyes. This conversation reminded me almost of one of our first conversations. I stood back up, this time in front of Arthur and held out my hand. Arthur looked up at me finally. I, still holding out my hand, looked at him with tears still in my eyes, trying not to blink so they wouldn't come out. After about maybe thirty seconds, he took my hand. I squeezed a little, knowing that he might not do it back. He did just lightly. I smiled a little, and let go. "Maybe I'll see you later." I said walking away.

-Time Skip-

I was talking to momma about my drawings. "You've been gettin better honey! These look amazin'!" She said looking at everything I had drawn in the past few days. "Thank you momma, I've been tryin out differe-" I stopped when I realized what page she was about to turn onto, but I was too late to stop her. Eyes wide "Oh my goodness is this Arth-" I took the book from her and slammed it shut. "Yes momma and don't tell ANYONE about that, please?" I said hiding the book behind my back. "Of course darlin' I promise." She said with a smile. I sat down in a chair across from her. It was quiet for a few seconds before she asked "You still have feelings for him don't yuh?" "I....I don't know momma...maybe? I'm still trying to figure that out." I said looking down at my lap.

Poppa walked over to us and said, "There are my two favorite girls! What are you two talkin' about?" "Oh nothing, just Y/N's drawings. They're very lovely!" Momma said emphasizing the love part of lovely. I glared at her with a irritated smile "Thanks momma. Was there somethin' you needed poppa?" I asked looking over at him. "I wanted to tell you that... You're old enough now to go out and do what we do." I looked at him a little confused but kind of understanding. "What do you mean 'do what we do'?" I asked looking between my parents. "You're old enough to rob a stage coach, a bank, anything we do. Thats what I mean." He said. "Are you guys serious? You're fuckin with me, right?" My parents both look at each other. "Language young lady!" Momma said. Here we go! I can go off by myself! I ran to Arthur and told him what happened. 

"ARTHUR! YOU'LL NEVER GUESS WHAT JUST HAPPENED!" I said so excited running to him. He looked at me with an expressionless face "What." He said not really caring. "Poppa told me I can rob stage coaches now! Of course I'll have to have some people with me my first few times but I don't care I'm just happy I get to go now!" I said still excited, but Arthur shut that down real quick. "You're gonna get yourself killed." He said walking away, not caring. "Hey! What the hell Arthur?! I can go with you guys now. You can't just be at least a little happy about it?" I said walking after him. "You're just a kid you shouldn't be go out there. You're too much offa...girl. You're too young. I ain't takin some kid with me that doesn't know how to keep her feelings under control." He said looking at me over his shoulder. "Excuse me?! I'm too young?! I think you forgot that I'm a year younger than you! Also so what if I'm a girl, what the fuck does that have to do with anything?! What the hell is your problem?!" I said wide-eyed. Jesus where the hell is all of this coming from. " See too much emotion into something so small. If anything happens to you out there, it's your own damn fault. I ain't takin you with me. You'll get me kill." he said as he walked away. "If you're tryin to push me away it's workin. I told you that I would help you when you were upset and this is how you repay me?! Just because you're pissed off at Mary doesn't mean you can take it out on me." I said not caring at the moment what came out of my mouth. He hurt my feelings, I'll do it right back. When I said this Arthur stopped, turned around and stomped toward me. I had never see him so mad before. He's never angry toward me. "I don't owe you shit, you hear me? You don't talk about Mary ever. I don't care who you are, just because we were friends before doesn't mean we are now. I ain't gonna protect you. Like I said, somethin' happens to you out there it's your own damn fault." He said in a low tone almost a whisper. My eyes started to water, not only because I was upset but because I was pissed. I looked up at him in the eyes. I could see the anger but a hint of something else. "Fine. I won't ask you for shit. I'll leave you alone, won't ask you for help. You need information about anything, ask Poppa. Don't look at me, don't talk to me. You got what you wanted Arthur. I hate you!" I said stomping away like a child with tears in my eyes. I realized what I was doing and stopped stomping and tried to walk normally. Maybe I am childish. No. I'm gonna prove him wrong.

((Hello sorry again for taking so long I've been sick and working. So much has been happening, its crazy. I'm thinking about adding John to the next chapter but before I do that I'm thinking I should put Arthur's POV in. Like after the argument. I'm not quite sure. I need your opinion. Let me know what you think I should do. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed. I'll go back through and look for errors. Good Night!))

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