Chapter 121

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Wu Wei contacted Wu Di,on behalf of him he began to doubt Wu Man.

Before coming to Harbins, she and Wu Di made a series of plans, and Wu Di's participation in these plans would be successful.

Originally she wanted Wu Wei to doubt the loyalty of her cronies Wu Man,For this reason, Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan had already thought of a countermeasure to frame Wu Man, nothing more than Give him eye drops before Wu Wei,said he colluded with Wu Zhe.

Once Wu Wei has doubts about Wu Man,will start to contact Wu Di.

And she does everything, Wu Wei has already started to contact Wu Di.

It must be because of Wu Zhe's imprudence, the familiar chat with Simon Yves made Wu Wei suspicious.

As for why Wu Zhe was so careless...

"Maybe it has something to do with me. Seeing Wu Wei dote on me so much,Wu Zhe can't sit still. People are afraid of comparison,He was the only heir to the Wu family. At that time, no matter what Wu Wei's attitude towards him would not prevent him from being the future patriarch of the Wu family, and after I appeared and won Wu Wei's favor,Wu Zhe panicked."

Analysis of Jiang Xuenian.

Shi Qingfan was curious: "How on earth did you make Wu Wei like you so much?"

It was Wu Wei whom Jiang Xuenian met alone before,Shi Qingfan always thought that Wu Wei felt more guilt for this "woman" than she loved,I only know when I see it now She was totally wrong.

Jiang Xuenian raised his eyebrows proudly: "Because I am so charming."

She raised her eyebrows: "Really?"

The light brown pupils flickered mischievously, and her expression was vivid and lovely, which set off her very beautiful beauty into twelve points.

Blending together,"Not as charming as Qingqing."

Jiang Xuenian kissed Shi Qingfan on the lips gently.

Shi Qingfan followed her example again and kissed her back gently.

Jiang Xuenian let go of his hand and turned around, taking a deep breath: "No, I have to stop,I'm afraid of making mistakes."

Shi Qingfan's cheeks were slightly red, "Then let's continue."

Her self-control has been specially trained, and she will not delay business for love.

Jiang Xuenian quickly adjusted, turned around, his expression had returned to normal, "Wu Wei's liking is not obvious, but he hates it, it can be seen from his every move. He doesn't like being suppressed, he doesn't like losing his son, he doesn't like the Carpenter family, he doesn't like rules... As long as it's the other way around, the blood relationship, the trace of guilt in his heart for Wu Nanyan, and the fact that Wu Nanyan has a background is enough. Let him pamper me with peace of mind."

Wu Di came out of Wu Wei's room and immediately started to investigate what Wu Wei had ordered, and passed the information to Jiang Xuenian and Shi Qingfan.


On these two matters, Wu Wei only instructed Wu Man to investigate the second.

What she needs to worry about now is transferring to Menjin University.

Gu Yawei, Kang Jing, and Wu Zhe in the manor are all in Menjin University. Kang Jing and Wu Zhe are about the same age, and they are both in their sophomore year, while Gu Yawei is a freshman.

When Wu Wei, he sent Wu Man, a cronie, to take her to school in person. On the way, Wu Man introduced: "Miss Nan Yan and Miss Qing Qiu are the same age as Master Yawei, and the education of Harbins and Nan Xiangguo The model is not the same, I took the initiative to transfer the two young ladies to Menjin University for freshman year, Miss Nanyan majored in finance, and Miss Qingqiu and Master Yawei majored in the same major, majoring in art appreciation."

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