"Chasing the Mystery of Love"-Chapter Four

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Charlotte's Pov:

Our eye contact was broken by a waitress who approached our table with a sly smile. "What can I get you, sir?" she said, her gaze fixed on him, seemingly oblivious to my presence. Her top buttons were provocatively undone, and she shamelessly pushed her cleavage forward while batting her eyelashes at him, trying to catch his attention.

Though he remained indifferent to her advances, my patience wore thin. When she was about to touch him, I couldn't hold back any longer. In a moment of impulse, I stood up, took her hand, and firmly placed it by her side. Without hesitation, I confidently sat on his lap, claiming my territory.

"Oh, honey, I'm feeling quite hungry," I said, ignoring the stunned waitress. "Let's order something. How about a nice wine and some delicious food? We have a long night ahead, and we need all the energy we can get, right?"

As I gazed into his eyes, a mix of surprise and amusement flashed across his face. The waitress finally acknowledged my presence and took our orders, leaving the table feeling embarrassed after my assertive act. As I stood up from his lap, my mind was flooded with a mix of emotions and self-doubt. "What's wrong with you, Charlotte?" I thought to myself, chastising my actions. "He made it clear he wanted nothing to do with you, yet you went and sat on his lap."

Feeling a surge of embarrassment and regret, I turned away from him, avoiding eye contact. The dinner continued in silence as we both focused on our meals, the tension from the earlier encounter still lingering in the air.

Their dinner:

Their dinner:

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