Chapter 2 : The Love That Collided

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//आधा इश्क, आधा है, आधा हो जायेगा
कदमो से मीलों का वादा हो जायेगा//

1st June 2015, Chandigarh
9 PM

Dear Diary,

It has been more than 15 days since I first met Kabir.

It would be wrong, very wrong to say that I wasn't affected by "that guy."

That day, at Nani's house, I hoped to get a chance to talk to him, and even tried to make my sweet but strict Nani get to talk about him. He piqued all my curiosity, I wanted to know all about him. But, Nani didn't utter a word, just continued to smile.

Later, when I got up to return, Kabir was going somewhere in his car. There, Nani asked him where he was headed.

And upon knowing he is proceeding in the same route as me, Nani requested him to drop me. I resisted, but Nani was persistent, with a mischievous smile gracing her lips.

Is Nani trying to set me up with him?

Okay, this was good, but embarrassing too.

Finally, I ended up in the passenger seat of his car, where I was welcomed by his small smile and the divine scent of his cologne.

God, I felt giddy. Butterflies, no dragons swarmed in my stomach.

What's this feeling?

I tried to tell him about the address but he said that he already know. I was surprised to which he replied that he has dropped Nani to my parent's home twice, so he knows.

Neither of us uttered a single word through the journey.

The roads of Chandigarh, evening breeze blowing around, soft romantic tunes coming from the radio, the silence, him and I, it was such a surreal feeling.

As we reached my home, I saw Maa standing near the gate. Upon seeing us, she gave her biggest smile and welcomed Kabir.

My mom, happy at his sight, asked him to come in for a coffee. But, he politely refused.

Bad luck!

I asked mom about Kabir and got a lot of information. He happened to be my mom's friend's son.

Lovely! So, my mom's friends can be useful too!

Kabir was an IIT graduate. But, he left the placement at a renowned MNC to join the Indian Army. He had appeared for the CDS exam, followed by the interview and is now waiting for his final results.

Impressive, naa?

I like this guy more now. Oh wait, when did I begin to like him in the first place?

Then, the next week, we bumped into each other by chance at the grocery area in the mall. My sister was with me and so was Kabir's.

He smiled and waved at my sister while I got only a subtle nod.

What the hell?

He even went on to inquire about her college and studies.

And what I got? Nothing? Not even a "hmm."

My sister for the first time did something great and asked them to join us for dinner. If she would have invited somebody else to join in our already made plans, I would have given her a tight slap.

But, it's Kabir here.

So,no issues!

He as usual said no.

Can't he say yes for like once?

This time, I jumped in and requested and so did Chiki and his sister Keerti.

So, our highness, finally agreed.

We gave in our orders, sat in and Chiki and Keerti began to talk. Kabir was just nodding and giving short replies. I so wanted him to talk, like really talk.

But nothing happened! His voice was something to die for!

We ended up going to the bowling alley and had a blast! And, did I tell you, he was a champion over there!

The next time we met was yesterday. It was at a party hosted by his mom. His family have five members, his parents, Kabir, and his two siblings. And, all of them are super sweet.

Kabir looked handsome in a black blazer.

Black is surely made for him!

I, not being a great party person, was standing in the corner looking at people dancing, drinking, gossiping, and enjoying.

Suddenly, Kabir appeared with two glasses of drinks. He offered one to me and stood next to me.

"So, not a party person, I guess?", said Kabir.
"No, parties are just not for me", I said.
"Me too," said Kabir.

He asked me to accompany him somewhere. I wasn't sure if I should, but I followed him.

We came to a balcony and sat there, it was small but felt quiet and nice.

All of a sudden, Kabir said, "So, Meera, tell me about yourself."

I looked at him in a daze.
Was he trying to initiate a conversation?

I told him about myself and so did he. He told me about his passion and love for the Indian Army. And just like that, the conversation started to flow.

We hit it off immediately, bonding over our mutual love for Lata Mangeshkar, Chandigarh, and coffee. All of a sudden, my phone rang, displaying a call from my mom. My family was about to leave and so she was searching for me.

I informed him and got up to leave. He suddenly said, "Meera, would you like to join me for a coffee tomorrow?"

I, in a state of utter shock, replied yes and ran away. We said our goodbyes to his family and moved towards the exit.

I suddenly turned and looked up at the balcony and saw him waving me a bye, with a smile.

My happiness knew no bounds that day.

A foreign feeling is taking over me.

What is this feeling called?


Here comes the second chapter of the story.

Dedicating this chapter to arinnex
Thank you for showing your interest in the story. Much love!

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