Chapter 5: Back From the Dead

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"Did you hear what happened to the lady?" a maid whispered to another maid.

"Of course, she came back from the dead!" the other maid shrieked as she swept the floor.

"And just when things had finally gotten better around here too" the first maid grumbled.

"I told you she's not human!" the other maid replied as her body began to tremble.


Suddenly, I heard the door to my room open. 

As I opened my eyes I noticed a maid come in and open up my bedroom curtains.

Immediately, the dark room lit up as it was filled with sunlight.

Ah...too bright.

Is that...Eleanor?

"It's time to get up my lady," 

"I'll go prepare the bath," Eleanor said before running into my bathroom.

Geez, I slept like a baby, I thought as I yawned.

In my past life, I would have done anything for some decent shut-eye but this was beyond my expectations.

Is this what it feels like to get the recommended eight hours of sleep? this what it feels like to be born with a golden spoon?

I truly envy the people of this world.

"Five more minutes" I grumbled as I hid my head underneath the blanket.

Before I knew it, I felt someone tugging on my blanket.

Did Ivanna have a dog or something?

Quickly I peeked my head out of my blanket to notice a little maid near the edge of my bed.


"You have to get up!"

"You have a letter from the royal family!" Anne uttered as she continued tugging at my blanket.


Right away I sat up putting me in a daze.

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