Chapter 3

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Looking at herself in the mirror she smiled at what she saw. She looked beautiful that night, as she adorned a beautiful off white dress that had once belonged to her mother long ago. The dress itself was elegant with a deep vee neckline and long flowing sleeves that draped elegantly down her shoulders like a waterfall, the skirt nice and flowy with a long train and a bodice that fit tightly to her upper body giving her a nice figure.

"You look beautiful..." then said an audible voice from behind. Turning she smiled faced with the sight of her older brother. "Thank you bother..." she said with a smile as tears began to fill her eyes. "Now now (y/n) what's wrong?" He then asked in concern for his sister gently bringing her into a hug. "Is something wrong? Are you having second thoughts?" He panicked. "What?! No no no! I'm just.... I'm so happy and everything seems just so perfect. It's almost like a dream. Before I met Eclipse I never once thought about getting married. But now it's happening and I only wish mother and father could be here..." she said with a sigh.

Globgor looked at his sister with sadness, gently lifting her chin to look at him as he smiled, wiping away her tears gently. "Though they might not be here I'm sure of one thing, I'm sure that they're proud of you and so happy to see their little girl get married to whom she loves." Now was that statement entirely true, we have no idea she was getting married to a sworn enemy but they were also dead so they had no way to tell but the thought inov itself brought comfort to the two royal siblings.

"Come now. We wouldn't want to keep your groom waiting any more than he has." Globgor chuckled lightly before grabbing his sister's veil that had been draped across an ottoman that resides in the room. Twirling his finger he gestured for her to turn around before placing the comb into his sister's lustrous (h/c) locks admiring the way the diamonds sat on her beautifully curled updo. With a smile he moved to his sister's side and offered her his arm.
"Are you ready?" He asked. "As ready as I'll ever be!" She smiled.


Eclipse stood at the altar made of vines as he waited patiently for his soon to be wife. Tapping his foot impatiently he kept readjusting his outfit and appearance in any way he could. Readjusting his black velvet suit with golden embroidery along the lapels and cuffs of the garment. "Calm down your highness." Said a sweet voice, the voice belonging to a sweet old Mewmin priestess who was held in high regard by the magic high commission for many years until she retired. When he came to her asking if he would wed him to the monster princess she was hesitant to say the least but after seeing how in love the young man was with the princess how could she refuse.

turning to face the priest. He chuckled lightly "hehe sorry I'm just so nervous..." he sighed taking a deep breath. "Yes I hadn't noticed l..." she priestess stated sarcastically with a roll of the eyes. "Why are you nervous, child?" She then asked, making the young prince think. "I'm not sure... it's just. I want to make her happy, I want to keep her safe. She's powerful but not as powerful as her brother. She's more vulnerable than she knows and she's reckless and amazing. I just want to make Sure I'm good enough for her, that I can keep her safe." He sighed looking towards the end of the aisle.

"Your highness, if I may be so bold. Look around you. You're getting married. Do you really think that she cares about any of that? You already know you make her feel safe and loved and protected. You got the girl. Enjoy this night with the one you love." The priestess smiled, taking the young man's hand in hers and giving it a light pat with her shaking hands. And before he knew it he looked over to see his bride awaiting him at the other end.

Despite their different origins and the long-standing tensions between their people, fate had a different plan for them. As if drawn by an invisible force, Eclipse and (Y/N) met in secret, hidden away from prying eyes, and their hearts were instantly entwined. Their love blossomed like a forbidden flower, delicate yet strong, its fragrance filling the air with sweet desire.

They looked at each other in awe, their eyes trained on each other as Globgor walked her down the aisle. Reaching out Globgor grasped Eclipse's hand thoroughly, giving it a firm shake of encouragement before gently handing his baby sister off to the prince. Smiling, she hugged her brother once more before he moved to his own spot leaving the couple alone in front of the priestess. That night, under the starlit sky, they made a solemn promise to each other - to be together, no matter the cost, for love knew no boundaries or restrictions. And to be united in eternal matrimony, despite the challenges that lay ahead.

With Globgor as the sole witness, the Mewmin prince and the Monster princess exchanged their vows in a secluded grove, surrounded by nature's beauty. The moon shone down upon them, illuminating their faces with a soft, ethereal glow. It was an intimate and profound ceremony, where their souls merged as one, defying the constraints of their worlds. Only these were not normal vows, no this was a spell Eclipse had created to tie their souls together as one to make Sure they could never be truly apart. And as they sealed their vows with a gentle kiss swirling gold markings appeared on their ring fingers in place of rings symbolizing their eternal love.

Their hearts full of joy, love, and hope for the future, the newlywed couple looked into each other's eyes, feeling the weight of their responsibilities. They knew they would face challenges and opposition, but they also knew that their love was worth fighting for. As they kissed again, the stars seemed to twinkle brighter, as if celebrating this forbidden union. It was a union that would forever be etched in the annals of history, a love story that would inspire generations to come.

With the blessings of Globgor, the brave Mewmin prince and the compassionate Monster princess vowed to protect each other in any way they could. And so, the forbidden love between Eclipse and (Y/N) became a legend, a tale whispered among both Mewmin and Monster communities, reminding them that love knows no boundaries, and it is the most potent magic of all.

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