1{ first impressions}

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First impressions.

- This story contains public urinating & Cnc (consensual non consent)

'P. Prestige', the sign read on the building I walked into.

Starting to attend a new school in the middle of year was not on my list at all. The regret of getting in trouble at my old school hit me hard, but not harder than the stench that practically whipped me in the face as I entered the building.

The building smelling like must and pee, filled with people not seeming to acknowledge it at all.

Walking further into the smelly building, made me realize a whole bunch of things I decided to do, and regret every single one of them. Such as throwing out all the masks in my house after the news announced we don't have to wear them anymore.

I decided against on going to the main office, seeing as I have no idea where it is and locating it would entail me talking to one of these humans who must be nose blind or something. As an alternative I logged onto the school's website typing in my name to find my schedule.

While walking around the school to get to my first class, I couldn't help but notice the stains on the ground and the lack of jingling noises as well as the sounds of wheels on the ground, which would indicate a janitor, but no. Nothing.

Walking up the stairs to the third floor, as I reach the second platform to reach the second floor, I can't help but dread the fact that I have to walk up another flight.

The thought makes me nauseous. The nausea signaling my nervousness that I had seemed to forgot as I worried about the stench around me.

I grabbed my water bottle from my bag taking a couple sips, trying my best not to drink so much to the point where I have to use the bathroom and disrupt the class on my first day.

Taking a deep breath, I walk to the third floor and begin to find my way to room '311'.

When I walk in most of the class has yet to enter the room. So I take that as an opportunity to find a seat all the way in the back.

After a few minutes, Maybe ten, the class is filled to the brim with students.

The professor, writes His name on the board, it reading Professor  Xavier Clarke.

When he starts speaking I can't help but not understand what he's saying with His smooth...deep..voice. He has Very  nice voice. Sadly not nice enough for me to be able to keep up with everything he's saying.

Trying to focus on the board, I hear something. It sounds like a water faucet. Actually water faucets Taking a look around the room I see the people near me peeing??

My eyes widen, suddenly feeling hot and bothered. Not sure if it's in a good way or a bad one. Looking back at the front of the room, I see Professor Clarke start to unzip His pants.

I need to get out of this room.

Raising my hand my voice shaking slightly as the words escape my mouth "Excuse me, Sir?"

His actions falter as He looks up at me and nods at me in acknowledgment "Yes?"

Looking down at My lap, " where are the bathrooms please?" I said the volume of my voice, much lower than before.

I can't help but furrow my eyes in confusion when I hear Him chuckle, along with the rest of the class, the piss hitting the floor getting louder as they laugh.

"You're the new student, aren't you." He stated rather than asked, I nodded in response.

"Come here" He said to me as He signaled to me to do so with two of his fingers.

Walking towards his desk, I don't know where to look. People are staring at me. People are peeing, people are staring at me While peeing, some might as well be getting themselves off.

When I reach His desk he gets up, pulls me closer to him, and fully unzips His pants, pulling out his cock.

I try my best not to look down as I stare at his green eyes.

Keyword being try.

I failed, miserably.

Looking down on the other hand was not miserable at all. His cock was long and veiny,  Not extremely hard but, I can see his cock twitching and growing larger by the minute.

The tip of his cock wet with what I can only assume is piss.

"Eyes up here Ms. Voss" He said to me tilting my head up. I would've turned my head around to see what the rest of the students thought about this very unpredictable interaction.

"There are no bathrooms here," He starts as I raise my eyebrows in surprise.

How could there be a public building with NO bathrooms?? That can't be logical.

Looking at His cock right now though, I couldn't help but be the tiniest bit happy that there's no bathrooms here.

"Seeing as you're so obviously, not in a rush to go anywhere," he continues "You wouldn't mind being mine, would you?"

Before I could even understand what He meant by that I was turned around quickly, My pants and underwear pulled down to my ankles.

Thrusting into me in one quick move, I let out an embarrassingly loud moan as I feel His cock twitch inside of me. What the actual fuck is happening right now?!?

Pushing my head down, letting my curls fall in front of my face to shield the rest of the class from the expression of pleasure on my face.

"W-what are you doing?!" I asked raising my voice as much as my nerves would let me.

He doesn't answer me, as I go to ask Him the same question again I feel it.

His piss filling me up.

Dripping down my legs and onto the ground.

This is so wrong but it feels so good, and I know the class could really understood how good it feels as I let out a whimper that echoes around the room.

Professor Clarke not paying me any mind as he starts to continue speaking again.

The only sounds In the room are Him speaking, me whimpering & piss hitting the floor from practically every corner off the room

I can't help but clench down on his dick as He continues talking to the class as if nothing's happening.

I know for sure He still acknowledges me as I hear Him groan and slowly start to pump himself into me, resulting in more of his pee dripping on the floor.

I didn't ask for the bathroom early just to get out of the room, I actually had to use the bathroom.

That water from earlier was not sitting right with me.

Instead of voicing my urgent need to use the bathroom, I couldn't help but be at a lost for words as his stream falters inside of me and he starts thrusting harder.

His Cock stroking my g spot, feeling way too good.

"I-I'm gonna cum!" I say panting, my voice projecting louder than I intended it too, not loud enough for the whole class to hear but definitely for him to be able to.

His hand comes around to the front of my stomach. I don't question it as I just thought he was coming down to rub my clit.

To my surprise he pressed down on my bladder making me release my pee as I cum before I could even understand what was happening.

Feeling him pull out of me, jerking himself off using my piss as some type of lubricant. He groans loudly as he spills his cum on my ass.

Confused on what just happened, I quickly pulled up my pants and left the room with my head down.

How on earth was I supposed to walk back into the room to get my belongings, when I just got fucked by the person who basically owns the room?

The end <3

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