Promises Promises

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The dinner was more fun than Cassiopeia had expected. The atmosphere was relaxed, with Draco telling funny stories all the time, and Narcissa having so much fun that she struggled to drink her wine without choking.

"So Seraphina went straight for Crabbe, and he peed his pants. I mean, he literally peed his pants," Draco said, laughing, and Narcissa imagined the scene, bursting into laughter.

"Oh dear, did you really send the snakes after him?" she asked, still giggling.

Cassiopeia was trying to recover from laughing. "He was bothering my friends; it was my last warning," she joked.

"Cassie is always defending Granger," Draco huffed. It had been a while since he called Hermione a Mudblood. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you're in love with her."

Narcissa stopped smiling abruptly, seemed to grip her wine glass too tightly, and stared intensely at Cassiopeia.

"Is that true?" she asked with a smile, but her voice was icy.

"Of course not," Cassi huffed. "Hermione is my friend, and besides, I'm pretty sure she likes Ronald Weasley."

Draco snorted at that. "I'm not surprised; that blood traitor finally-"

"Draco," Cassi hissed, cutting him off.
Narcissa looked between the two, with one eyebrow raised.

"You mentioned Walburga in one of your letters," she asked suddenly, changing the subject.

Cassi smiled again. "Temperamental witch, my lovely grandmother," she laughed. "But I was glad she liked me, at least the version in the portrait. She was delighted that we had the same eyes."

Narcissa laughed at that. "I noticed," she said amused. "Is my aunt still screaming through the walls?" She shuddered just at the memory.

Cassi let out a laugh. "All the time. She only calmed down when I was around. But every time Si-" She stopped abruptly.

"Every time Sirius appeared. It's okay, dear. I know my cousin is on the loose, and I wouldn't be surprised if you knew his whereabouts," Narcissa dismissed, and Cassi started breathing properly again.

They continued to talk and laugh during dinner. Cassiopeia felt very comfortable between the two, enjoying the harmony that was interrupted by the sudden loud thud that caught their attention. Lucius Malfoy entered the dining room with a scowl, and the energy in the room instantly became heavy. Draco stopped smiling, and even Narcissa lost her cheerful expression.

Lucius noticed Cassi's presence and greeted her in a forced manner, "Well, hello, Mrs. Gaunt. I see you've finally accepted my wife's invitations," he said with a playful tone, glancing at Narcissa, a look that Cassi couldn't decipher.

"Hello, Mr. Malfoy. Thank you for having me in your home," Cassiopeia replied, forcing a polite smile. She didn't like the man at all, but she tried for Draco and Narcissa's sake.

"I'm pleased," Lucius said indifferently. "Well, have a good dinner. I need to attend to some matters in my office. Please, don't disturb me." With that, he excused himself.

Draco was playing with his potatoes on his plate, but without an appetite, and Narcissa was staring at her wine glass, tracing her fingers around it. Cassi felt a discomfort lingering in the air. They were having fun before, and now they seemed so...sad?

"It seems like a beautiful night outside," Cassiopeia spoke up suddenly, making the two of them look up surprised. "Would you like to stargaze with me?" She asked hopefully.

They looked at each other for a moment in silence, mouths slightly agape. Cassi began to feel nervous. "It's okay if you don't want to. I just thought-"

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