The Hunter and The Princess

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It was weird, facing him again in the afternoon. This time she was in her gown and ridiculous hairdo, and Kave'le'aha looked exactly as he did the previous days. She was really hoping he wasn't wearing the same clothes all the time.

It was their first official date. It was nothing private. They were outside in the small park by the palace. The kings were sitting on a bench out of the earshot, leaving Ella and Kave'le'aha to sit on another one, a few meters away from each other. There were servant everywhere. Robert was standing nearby, pretending he wouldn't be listening to everything.

Lord Hunter was quiet.

Silence was unbearable. He clearly knew nothing about courting.

"Nice weather we're having." Ella started.

The man gave a "Hm". Ella drummed her fingers on her dress. Kave'le'aha seemed nice enough during the hunt when he didn't know it was her, but now he was tight lipped. She probably soured his mood with her assumptions.

"I hope we can enjoy it a bit longer."

No response again. She got an idea.

"Did you enjoy the hunt this morning?"

That got a reaction. He turned slightly towards her.


"No?" At least it was a word. A beginning of a conversation. "Why not? I've heard it was eventful. You hunted down a giant boar, didn't you?"

Kave'le'aha scoffed. Ella gritted her teeth. He had been more talkative the previous day and it was starting to irritate her that she couldn't get him to talk today.

"Are you planning another hunt perhaps? I would love to take part, at least to watch."

He perked up again.

Robert cleared his throat behind them, and Ella sighed.

"Although I'm not sure it will be possible. My father might not want me to come."

Kave'le'aha huffed.

"I'll try to ensure we can hunt together."

"It would be my honor." She smiled at him. He didn't respond with the same.

The rest of the park visit went by in silence.


"My lady!" One of her servants, Junia, ran into her chambers. "Lord Hunter is going around the stables and looking for "Ross"!"

Ella gasped. She had asked her trusted servants to keep an ear out for exactly that.

"Robert, we're going right now."

The man just nodded. Ella's servants helped her throw off her dress, getting into the casual civilian clothes, taking off her wig and make-up, putting on a handkerchief to somehow hide her. She managed to sneak out of the palace unseen, disguised Robert following right after her. She gestured for him to stay hidden while she sneaked into near empty stables. She spotted the warrior right away, the wolf ears sticking above half-walls.

"Are you sure you haven't seen him? Brown hair, goes by Ross?"

"I– I am so sorry, Lord Hunter, but–"

Ella revealed her presence to spare the poor stablehand. Lord Hunter spotted her immediately. He smiled, straightening up.

He smiled?!

"I've been looking for you. " He said softly. Ella nodded while the stablehand evacuated from view.

"Here I am." She announced." How can I help you, Lord Hunter?"

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