Chapter 1: the way of a ninja 

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(Kai is bashing a glowing sword on an anvil with a hammer, trying to quickly bend it into a proper sword shape.)

Kai: "to forge the perfect weapon, you first need the right metal and plenty of heat" he then rushes over and dips the blade into the barrel of water. 
"Cool it off... and...presto!" (He then examines his sword, but only to sigh as he realizes the blade is bent, and henceforth unusable.)

Nya, appeared examining the blade, and starts to laugh a little on how it looks

Nya: "you made it to quickly Kai. Be patient if father was still here, he say-" (she was about to say something, but only for her and kai to interrupt her)

Kai: sigh "I know. No matter How much fire you have, experience isn't something you learn overnight. That may work for you, Nye, but I'm going to be a better blacksmith then dad ever was"

(While Kai was talking, an older man dressed in all white with a big hat, walked into the shop the man does a quick look around the shop, examining the products. Upon ending his quick examining, he then walked up to Kai and started a conversation with him)

???: "hmm... your metal is loud and heavy. useful to slow one down. Useless in the art of strength. All tools for a samurai, but nothing for a ninja?"

Kai: "Ninja? Huh, you're a long way from finding a ninja in these parts, old man. And the shop is called "four weapons" not "four browsing." Either buy something or go paddle your insults somewhere else"

Nya, hearing what was happening, tries to motion Kai to show the man around.
Kai: "if it's something special you're you're looking for let me sh-". (However, as Kai turned around, the man was gone, seemingly vanished without a trace.)

(Nya, noticed her brother aimlessly looking back and forth, she decides to ask him,)
Nya: "what is it?"

Kai: "he was just... forget it"

(However, after Kai finished his sentence a dark cloud quickly loomed over Ignacio, engine sounds could be heard just over a hill. At that moment, one skeletal truck arrived on top of the hill, surrounded by a few motorbikes with a similar appearance. It turned out that the looming cloud. Was heralding the visit of the skulkin generals could be seen talking among themselves.)

Nuckal: " oh oh! Let me go first! Please, oh please! I'm dying to go down there!

Kruncha: " you nitwit, you're already dead! Try to control yourself in front of Master Samukai!" (he then changed his attention and focus on Samukai) "But with all due respect, last did say... i could go first"

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