'Love' Triangle (Rafe Cameron)

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JJ and Rafe are talking about you.


Me and JJ just got done punching each other. Over the fact Y/N kissed me. 2 weeks later after her and JJ kissed in the car.

"Don't talk to me about who loves Y/N more." JJ says to me. I look at him with a 'yeah okay' expression. "I've always loved her. Not you. You treated her like garbage. You left her so many times, man. You're a coward. Even now you can't admit it to my face." JJ preaches to me. Breathing hard I spat out a mouth full of blood. "Fine. I love her. I admit it..." I tell JJ. He just looks at me sorta shocked over my words. "Sometimes...sometimes I think she's the only girl I could ever be with." I say to JJ. "Then...then why did you leave her?" JJ ask me. "Because. I'm afraid of commitment. I was afraid I was gonna lose her." I say. "Trust me man. You already have." JJ says. "Look, I know that. I'll admit it, I fucked up...but atleast I can admit when I do wrong." I say. "What are you talking about? When have I ever done Y/N wrong?" JJ ask me. "Oh please. Don't you remember the time you kissed Kie in front of Y/N at midsummer's? Weren't y'all talking at the time?" I say. JJ looks with a 'oh shit' look. "T-that was one time! I was also very drunk and high. You kept on messing with Y/N's feelings over and over again." JJ says to me. "You wanna know what happened after you did that to her? She came to me. Me! When you screwed her over. I was there for her, and any time I did something wrong, I always came back and apologized. Now you never have, because until now, you didn't even remember what happened last year!" I say to him. "Why didn't she tell me!?" JJ ask me. "Probably because she didn't want you to worry about it. She wanted to forget that night, forever. So if she were to bring it up, it would've put her right back into that position, all over again." I explain to him. "Shit. I gotta apologize to her." JJ says. "It's to late JJ." I say.

Little did we know Y/N heard our whole conversation.


I heard JJ and Rafe talking about me. I needed to do something. Before I could mentally process what I was getting ready to do I walked on over to them. "What the hell is going on!?" I say. Rafe and JJ just stare at me. "Y/N. You didn't happen to hear all that did you?" JJ ask me. "As a matter of fact, I did JJ." I say. "Y/N. You have to understand, I love you. I will forever beat myself up for how I treated you in the pass." Rafe says to me. "And Y/N I'm really sorry about that night at midsummers. It was a drunken-high mistake." JJ says to me. Everything of that night pops up in my brain. Tears well up in my eyes. "You wanna know something, JJ. Drunken words are sober thoughts. Drunken actions are sober feelings. Also you always say you remember everything when your high. Guess you didn't remember that did you? Or maybe you did, but like Rafe said you were too big of a fucking coward to say anything!" I say getting emotional. "Y/N. I'm so sorry. You have to know that was a mistake but you did go straight to Rafe after and who knows what y'all did. You probably did wa worse." JJ says. "Oh please. Give me a freaking break! I was a total wreck after witnessing y'all too. Rafe was the first person I saw after running inside to cry my heart out. He was there for me when I needed someone. We didn't have sex if that's what you were thinking. The only thing we did that night, not that it's any of your business but since you wanna know so bad, Rafe took me back to his place and I cried and cried for hours. We did sleep in the same bed, but I eventually cried myself to sleep. Thanks to you. But for the record that was the best sleep I ever got." I say. JJ stays silent. "I don't even wanna look at you. Go away. Leave. Go to Kie I'm sure y'all have done more than kiss JJ!" I say. "Fuck you." JJ says. "Leave! JJ!" I say. JJ leaves and I cry. Rafe comes and wraps his arms around me. "I'm sorry Rafe. I'm sorry I got you into this whole mess." I say crying hysterically. "Shhh shhh. It's okay Y/N. I'm here. I got you." Rafe says to me.

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