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Ch 3: Can vampires have aneurysms?

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"Do I live here now?"

"Ah!" Ben actually yelped and instinctively grabbed Nino's arms. Snapping his head at the door, Evie stood there with her huge dinner plate eyes at him. "Um, well," Ben said and ducked under Nino's arms, which made the vampire sigh. "Yes. It's nice to meet you. I'm Ben Robinson." He offered his hand to her.

She stared at his hand.

Flushing, Ben realized he knew nothing about vampire children and even less about little girls. Ben was an only child and didn't make friends growing up. Bending down below her height, he tried again, re-offering his hand with a smile. "I hope we can have fun this summer."

"You smell nice," she whispered before tilting her head and trying to bite through Ben's fingers. Ben yelped as the pain ripped through his fingers and up his arms like chaotic lightning, ripping through the earth. He immediately went cold and hot at the same time.

"I'm dying," Ben groaned, his hand pounding from the pain. "If I'm not. I hope I am."

"Evelyn!" Nino snapped and yanked his niece, but she just held on tighter, dragging Ben with her and his knees buckled. Blood splattered across Ben's beautiful floors, and he cried out from the pain. Nino cursed, hooking his finger into Evie's mouth and yanking. "Let go!"

Growling, Evie opened her mouth, and Ben didn't waste time, freeing himself. She snapped her teeth at him just as Nino hoisted her backwards with full force and they were across the room. Ben landed on his back, catching his breath.

"Bianca!" Nino roared with a little girl with blood all over his face in his arms. Deadpanned, Evie licked the sides of her mouth.

"You taste funny," she whispered.

"Bianca! Come get your daughter! Bianca!' He snapped again, but no one answered. Crying out, Ben huffed and rushed to the sink. He grabbed a towel and wrapped his hand.

"Ben," Nino asked, "Do you have siblings?"


"Good for you."

"Nino," Ben huffed, looking around as if he were searching for a life raft. "Can you...?" His mind buzzed, the pain taking over any new ideas. Someone needed to think for him. "Can you heal it?"

"It's not my venom," Nino grunted, hauling his niece into the next room, kicking open the front door. Ben chased them on wobbly legs, but he got up too fast and gravity seemed to try everything to pull him back down. He felt like a jar of beads that had just been tipped over. He scattered to the front door.

"I can't heal you—Bianca!" Nino shouted again as a car revved its engine and a red corvette sped down the road, honking for other cars to get out of its way. Ben caught the flash of Bianca's grin as she disappeared, threatening to collide with any car that didn't swerve out of her way.

"She's crazy." He was seething. Ben had never seen Nino look so mad... well, look so anything before. Ben and Nino never fought. They served a function for each other that only gave them satisfaction. They've never had the opportunity to upset each other.

"Nino," Ben huffed, holding up his hand without looking at it. He didn't want to pass out for the first time in his life. "What do I do? Why can't you heal me?"

Nino always licked Ben's wounds after he was finished feeding. Another reason he didn't mind the transaction. Nino shook his head and finally dropped Evie on the ground. He snatched up her hand and grabbed Ben's arm, yanking him to the sidewalk.

"Vampires can only heal the wounds they make. She bit you—"

"Nino," Ben yelped, stumbling on his bare feet.

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