01. The Deal

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01. The Deal

"I'm sorry, Sage, you're going to have to retake the subject."

I held my breath, trying my hardest to hold back a deep sigh. Or maybe a scoff. All I knew was that I had to contain myself before I started yelling in this man's face.

"Mr Graham," I began slowly, attempting to keep my voice level like the professional university student I was. "I don't think you understand. I was under... exceptional circumstances. I wasn't able to perform to my best standard. I did well in all my other assessments this term, sir."

Exceptional circumstances my arse. But Mr Graham didn't need to know the exact details.

"I can see that you're a high-achieving student, Sage, however this decision isn't up to me," he said in his stupid, authoritative voice. He leaned forward on his stupid, ancient-looking desk and gave me a stupid, pointed look. "Your Physics final is a must-pass exam, and the university employs a fit to sit rule. You sat the exam, and therefore you agreed that you were fit to complete the assessment."

"Well, I didn't realise that was a stupid rule," I muttered under my breath.


"Nothing," I said quickly. "I just—isn't there anything else I can do? This could delay my graduation, couldn't it?"

"If you play your cards right and pass this semester, you'll be fine," he said. He paused for a moment before sighing and adding, "Sage, I understand that sometimes things happen that are out of our control, but I can see your grades. You can pass this subject. Just take it easy this semester, retake the subject and come back ready and reenergised for next semester. Okay?"

I nodded.

Take it easy.

That was easier said than done. Especially coming from him. He wasn't the one who had to deal with knowing that all of this could've been avoided if it wasn't for Dylan.

Dylan, of all people.

How many months of my life had I wasted being with him? Trusting him? All for him to dump me like I meant nothing, less than a week before my finals.

I had never failed anything before in my life. And now this would permanently be on my academic transcript.

All. Because. Of. Dylan.

Take it easy? As long as Dylan still stood, this semester would be anything but easy.

It was almost impossible to avoid him. In the two weeks we'd been over, I felt like I saw him around every corner, waiting for me.

It wasn't intentional. At least, not on my part, and not since the break-up.

Before the break-up, however, we'd chosen dorms intentionally near each other so that we could walk to class together. We'd chosen classes that started at the same time, so we could leave together. And we'd chosen the dorms near the footy field, so I could watch him practice.

And it had all worked out perfectly, until that day.

"We're done, Sage."

Those had been his words. Three simple words. I'll be honest, not the words I was expecting to hear, especially after what I personally thought was a pretty good date.

We were still standing outside the restaurant. Not only had we just had a date, but we were still in public.

At the time, I couldn't care less about the people around me when Dylan said those fateful words, but by the time I was curled up in bed, the tears flowing freely from my eyes, it was all I could think about.

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