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The following week, Liam and Ian talk throughout the days. They text each other good morning and goodnight, and fill each other in on how their days are going. Ian even face times him once while Liam is doing homework.

Liam doesn't know what to say about his current situation with Ian. He'd like to tell Paige and Ember but has no idea how. He also isn't sure if Ian would want his sister to know. So, he keeps it a secret for now.

Saturday morning he finds himself laying on Ian's bed. They had agreed yesterday to spend the day together. It works out well considering Liam had found himself craving to be around the other boy lately.

Ian is currently laying on his back, watching TV. His leg is hooked over Liam's and their hands are intertwined between them. Liam had been watching the movie with him about twenty minutes ago but couldn't get into it and is now swiping through videos on his phone.

Even if at the moment they're not really acknowledging each other it's nice just to be in the same room as one another. Liam is happy just to be close to him. The feeling of Ian running his thumb along his palm is also nice, sending a tingling feeling up his arm.

A video plays on Liam's screen and he frowns. He watches it a few times even though it's nothing special, just a boy lip syncing to a song. What really caught his attention though was the purple marks that the guy was proudly showing off on his neck.

Liam hadn't ever really thought about hickeys. He never really had a reason to. Although, he was curious now on what it would be like to leave one. How is that even done?

Feeling bold, Liam turns his phone off and sits it aside. He looks over at Ian, an idea forming in his head. Ian is focused on the TV so he pokes his shoulder to get his attention.

He looks over. "Yeah?"

"Can I try something?" Liam asks, not caring that he's being vague.

"Uh, sure?" Ian's eyebrows furrow in confusion. "What is it?"

Liam doesn't say anything. He leans forward and softly places his lips on Ian's neck. He can hear when the boy's breath hitches. With little confidence in what he's doing, Liam begins to suck and lick at the skin.

He pulls back a little too early, looking at the reddish purple mark he left behind. It looks like it'll fade soon. He doesn't care about it lasting, he just wanted to see if he could leave one.

He looks up to meet Ian's gaze, suddenly feeling a blush form. Ian's eyes are darker than before. In a second, Ian's flipping them over. He fits his hips between Liam's legs and attaches their lips together.

Liam closes his eyes into the kiss. His hands roam around Ian's chest, slowly going down. They're shaking when he slips his hands under Ian's shirt, not feeling confident in his actions at all. Ian groans into the kiss at the contact. He just his hips upwards and Liam can't think once he feels the other boy's crotch against his own.

Slowly, experimentally, Liam rocks his hips. Ian moans and starts to move his hips against the other boy's. Liam moans too at the feeling.

Ian's lips leave his. He only feels disappointed for a second because soon enough, Ian is reattached them to his jaw and kissing down to his neck.

The idea of a mark on his own neck isn't as nice because he's not quite ready for that conversation with his parents. So, before Ian gets too carried away, Liam brings him back up for a kiss. He has to twist his head a little weirdly to reach Ian's neck but it's all worth it when he hears Ian moan while he sucks on the skin there.

"Liam, fuck." Ian groans lowly, rocking his hips some more.

Liam pulls back. "Are you gonna get in trouble if I leave a few hickeys?"

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