🦋𝐿𝑖𝑓𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝐿𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟🦋

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Ella's stepmother, the high-spirited lady that she was set out to restore life and laughter to the house, as she felt it was indeed missing the minute of amusements. She did so by inviting many others in the countryside from within the kingdom occasionally in the evenings for many spectacular events such as parties, suppers, and other things as well that she would have hosted.

On one particular night hosted by herself, she had gone for an event of gambling, Lady Tremaine and the house staff had been up since the early hours of dawn to create the very best atmosphere possible for her guests to encounter. The dining room tables had been decorated with all sorts of items such as poker and blackjack cards along with poker chips and sets of dice as well. Along with sets of silver candelabra candles with silver cups, and shot glasses. She had quite an expensive taste so she opted to have the house staff serve adequate wine beverages to her guests on such extravagant nights and she paired it with the fanciest charcuterie boards which were composed of many cured meats, cheeses, olives, sliced baguettes with spreads, dried fruit, and nuts which was then all arranged on a birch wooden plank. Shortly after the house had been completely set and decorated, carriages soon arrived outside the manor and were parked opposite the fountain. Guests continuously came to join the event, as the night went on the guests began to settle in, Richard's wife enjoyed herself as always and was laughing about at Sir Barron's jokes as he was known for his very humourous nature. While conversing and playing games simultaneously, she continued to take a few glasses of gin and tonic momentarily. Ella decided to make a stop through the room and see what was happening on this particular night, as she did so she passed Anastasia and Drizella who had been playing with blackjack cards at the table with the guests. As ditzy as many sisters could be, Anastasia could be found cheating off her sister and watching what cards she had at her disposal since this gave her the upper hand for such games. Ella however wouldn't ever partake in these events as it wasn't really of much interest to her. After a short overview, Ella left the room and found some of her animal friends just outside. "Well look who's having a party of their own. Jacqueline, Teddy, Tilda...Greedy Gus Gus." She said cheerfully as she noticed them having their own little lively gathering, and routinely Gus Gus had a little block of cheese in his paws. Lucifer the new house cat stood by the stairs and he saw the mice right in front of him, he then let out a mean aggressive growl, and this startled Ella's friends so much so that Gus Gus had dropped his cheese on the floor. Ella went towards Lucifer, picked him up, and spoke to him in a way one would do when a small baby does something wrong but you'd respond happily, "Oh-oh, just what do you think you are up to Lucifer? Jacqueline is my guest and the eating of guests is not allowed." She told him, then placed him back down on the carpet and gave him a light push up the stairs while telling him that he has plenty of cat food to keep him happy. "We ladies must help one another," Ella said with a wink at Jacqueline while leaving the room and going to her father's office space thinking that she might just find him there. And that she did.

You're missing the party she said to her father as she walked in finding him writing in his workbook, "Oh I imagine it's much like all the other ones." Richard responded smilingly and that it most certainly was. His next words were quite upsetting to Ella as he said that he would be leaving first thing the following morning. Ella frowned and told him that he had hardly been back from the last trip and asked if he really had to go. It didn't matter how many times he had left in the past to travel for his line of work, it was difficult to have had none of her parents at home to accompany her each time. Richard tried to soften up the complication by trying to make it better, "It's just a few months my darling." And like all the others her father would have always returned before she knew it. A moment of silence passed but was then broken by the laughter of the men in the dining hall, he then smiled and looked to Ella and asked her what would she like for him to bring her from abroad, "Hmm, your sisters...stepsisters have asked for parasols and lace. What will you have?" He said while smiling hoping this would cheer her up. Ella requested only the simplest and smallest of things from her father, "Bring me the first branch your shoulder brushes on your journey." Ella said even while knowing it was only slightly odd but it was quite sentimental to her for the time being. Richard went on saying how he thought that it was quite a curious request, Ella said while laughing that he would have to take it on his way and he was to think of her when he looked at it. "And when you bring it back, it means you'll be with it...and that's what I really want...for you to come back no matter what," Ella said while trying to hold in her tears but she couldn't resist, they came flooding out since she was too hurt at the very thought of losing her father like she did her mother. Her father put his arms around her while reassuring his daughter that he would return like he always did.

While this happened Lady Tremaine had decided to leave her party and while doing so she heard the commotion and dismissed her plans to go elsewhere. She stood in front of her husband's office and overheard him telling Ella that while he was away he wanted her to be good to her stepmother and stepsisters. She stood by the door peering through the window and was shaken up and hurt by the situation, especially by Richard's words. They were both unaware that they were being watched at this moment, Ella promised her father to be good to them no matter what. Richard told his daughter that he would always leave a part of him behind in the house, and so did his late wife as well. "And your mother's here too, though you may see her or not. She's the very heart of this place, that's why we must cherish this house always for her." Richard said. Ella responded by saying that she misses her ever so much, she asked if her father had felt the same and he said that he did, very much at that. They hugged again and at this point, it had become too much and Lady Tremaine had turned and walked away, returning to her function.

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