13| girls day & admitting

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I groggily opened my eyes at the sound of my moms cherry voice. Not a great way to wake up but it wasn't the worst. Don't get me wrong I loved my mother but I also loved my sleep, anytime I was woken up I always felt annoyed.

"Good morning sweetie! Time to get up" She spoke in a sing-songy tone as she opened my curtains to let the sun in.

I immediately covered my head with my blanket to shield out the bright light, I left those closed for this exact reason. I loved my window and the sun but at this hour I did not want to see it so close and personal.

"What plans" I groaned as she sat at the food of my bed. She slightly pulled the covers back down off me to reveal my face.

My hair was now sprawled all over my face due to the friction making her laugh.

"Get ready, we're going to have a girls day!" She explained excitedly. My eyes widened, it'd be nice to get out with her for a little since we haven't spent much time together with us both busy on our own things.

"Okay sounds good, i'll be down soon" I smiled.

I watched as my mom sat up and exited my room, stretching with a yawn before finally getting out of bed. Rubbing my eyes as I walked into my bathroom, I took quick shower.

Once I was out, I felt refreshed and clean. I finished up brushing my teeth and hair, air drying it.

Walking over to my night stand I grabbed my phone to check to weather before getting dressed, I was still getting used to the normal temperatures and when it was appropriate to wear something.

My phone read that it would be a nice day out, sunny but not too hot. I was thankful for that since I didn't like being overheated, especially in public. I made my way to my closet to pick out an outfit which was always the hardest part.

Taking long enough, I was finally set on a white tennis skirt with a matching tank top. I paired it with a pair of sandals and a black purse.

I hope my mom wasn't waiting too long for me, I was started to realize that I was taking longer to get ready than I thought. Can't rush perfection. I laughed.

"Hey sweetie you like nice, ready to go?" My mom spoke as she put on her shoes by the door.

"Thanks so do you! Yup, what're we doing today?" I said excitedly.

"Get our nails done, maybe do a little shopping. I'm not sure but wherever the day takes us we'll follow!" She answered making me smile.

We walked out to her car that was parked in the garage.

"So where's Greg, what's he gonna do today without you?" I asked as she unlocked the car. I got into the passenger seat putting on my seatbelt.

"Who knows, maybe go golfing" She joked, making us both laugh.

I'm shocked to say it was weird to open my own door for once, Landon had gotten me so accustomed to him doing it for me. I smiled at the thought as my mom got in the driver seat, starting the engine.

As we drove into the town my mom and I caught up on our recent events or things that were going on. Sure, our lives were completely the opposite but we still enjoyed ranting to each other and listening.

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