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Days passed. We three hung around a lot, going to many local places, getting to know street foods and experiencing the hometown vibe. Vihaan never missed to get along with us, even though he got busy with his higher secondary allotments sometimes. Meanwhile, we took Vaidehi to her exam centre and she did it so well and she gave us all hope.

I got an email regarding the college opening. I thought of being a day scholar for some time. My mom can't help living without me. I knew that both of us needed time to adjust. Plus, the college was not that far. We had a straight bus, right from the nearby stop. I just wanted to experience hostel life and that's why I thought of staying in the hostel for some time after I become comfortable. I've heard people saying, college was no fun without experiencing the hostel life. So I did not want to miss it.

Vaidehi and Vihaan helped me prepare everything for my new beginning. She was free and she wanted to make use of the time she was waiting for her results. Anyways, it was never tiring to do the preparation, with their help.

The day. I was nothing but a bundle of nerves. I had no one I knew at the campus, except him-my soul enemy. My parents came with me. My father gave me loads of advice on the way. He always did- during all my beginnings. 'Rad, college life- it's one of the best seasons of your life. No matter how hard the lectures are going to be, just enjoy every moment and celebrate your life. Don't avoid any situation just because you worry about how it's going to end. Also, don't avoid the magic moments in your life just because you are scared. These three years are going to be a package of fun, happiness, sorrows, grievances, frustrations, love, friendship, lessons and a heap of emotions. But survive, and you'll feel proud of yourself one day. Do you hear me? Do not miss...because you'll never get these seasons ever again. Cherish it. Celebrate it,' he said. 'Roger,' I replied. Mom was about to say something and I told her not to make this a philosophy class. 'Oh girl, I was just going to wish you luck,' she said, and we laughed.

There was a meeting at the main auditorium. I wanted to curl up and die as there were very few students with parents around. I brought them, like it was the opening day of school. But somehow, they appreciated the parents who came over to witness the turning point in their child's life. Principal did some normal blarneying. There was a funny person who told everything as a joke. That was kind of interesting. People listened to him so curiously and after each sentence, he made us laugh. I laughed and then I suddenly thought 'wow, he had a point.' That was great. He induced his thoughts into us using comedies. That was literally interesting. They said he was the PTA president. Everyone was looking forward to more of his lectures in the future.

Our seniors sang a welcome song for us. That was too cute. I saw many handsome guys and pretty girls among the ensemble. I wondered if this was a sibling institute of my school where pretty people were given priority over the talented ones. I was sick of this trend and I wished my new campus the other way. 'Oh bollocks to this,' I said and my mom stared at me. I saw people in front of us turning back with a smile. 'Gosh, they heard,' I said and mom closed my mouth with her hand. 'What's wrong? Lower your voice,' she said. 'See everyone in the club is so good looking. I was saying that I am fed up with this trend,' I said. 'Oh, that. What if pretty people are talented too? You can't conclude your assumption to be true,' she said. I gave her a thumbs up, for her giant heart.

They went back right after the session. We were directed to our own departments. I rushed to take the back seat, thinking that there would be many fighting for that seat. But unfortunately, there were just two, who jumped over the seat happily. Others took the front seats. 'Shaey, this is more like a school,' I said. 'I totally agree,' the girl beside me said. I smiled. I realised that my commenting was becoming louder.

She was a girl behind the veil. A perfect oval shaped slim beauty. She had long eyes, with a bright black eyeliner on. She seemed a little beauty conscious. She was wearing a simple make up with sweet pink lipstick. Anyways, she looked like a female lead in those Arabic dramas. She followed a style which was a combination of modern and orthodox look. That was pretty attractive. 'What's your name?' she asked. 'Oh, hi I am Radhika. Radhika Ramesh,' I introduced. 'Well, my name's Ashna, Ashna Vahab,' she added. 'Nice to meet you. Where did you study earlier? I mean school,' I asked. 'Well, I am a senior. I am already 19. I tried medicine for two years. But I couldn't make it. This time I got veterinary medicine, but I don't want to be a veterinary surgeon. My father tried all the ways, but he couldn't arrange the cash to secure a seat for me. My mother even gave him all her gold. Poor mom, she wanted to see me as a doctor. But I couldn't make them proud. I have a younger sister. She is in tenth. Now they have switched all their expectations onto her. She might be feeling pressured. On the day we decided to quit the interest in medicine, we four hugged and cried out so loud, unwilling to let go of the dream. But after letting it all out, we decided that I'll go for some easy degree, saying goodbye to all the pressure and stress. Thankfully, I am saved now. Poor little sister, she is the next scapegoat,' she said. I was wondering why she was saying all the personal things at the very first meeting. My stare was obvious enough that she said: 'hey, don't look at me like that. I am so talkative. You'll get used to it in the future.' I laughed on hearing that. 'So are you happy now?' I asked her. 'Of course. I am so happy now. I was just a simple girl who simply studied for the sake of studying. I really wanted to take a simple degree, lead a simple life, ever since childhood. But my parents were urging me to become a doctor. Even though I wasn't interested at first, ever since they requested me and laid expectations on me, I tried my maximum, not to make them sad. My hard work was all true. I sincerely worked, but couldn't make it. Once I failed and then I told them about quitting, but they forced me again. And the same thing happened. During the second year, I got too much into this and I really wanted to be a doctor. But somehow, destiny is cruel. I am here, talking about my past with you. This is how life is. Anyways, I am happy that I got to study this course. I am hoping to enjoy life here. I am not that dedicated type. I am just an unreasonable lump who doesn't fit in the medical field. I feel like this is where I fit,' she said. 'I hope you'll be happy in the future. Anyways, everything happens for a reason. And, there is something good in everything. If you didn't quit, we wouldn't be talking here. I think God values our friendship more,' I said. She laughed. I started saying something, and suddenly there was pin drop silence in the classroom. That was a power failure. Everyone stared at me, because at that time my voice was standing out. I looked so embarrassed at the moment as it was their first impression on me.

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