Prologue Part Two

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Blake age- 5 years old

Sam and Kali are seen walking Blake to school as other Faunus stare at Sam. Ever since he and Kali got married, the Faunus community has kept their distance while some others question Kali's decision. But Kali knew the risks of marrying Sam and she still went through with it for Blake's sake. They soon arrive at the school and see that Blake was gripping onto Sam's leg.

Sam: Hey kiddo, what's the matter?

Sam kneels down as he sees a pout on Blake's face.

Blake: What if no one likes me?

Sam: They'll love you, they just need to get to know you.

Blake: But what if they're mean to me because...

Blake didn't finish that question because she feared that it would hurt Sam's feelings. She then felt Sam combing her hair back with his fingers and sees a smile on his face.

Sam: It's ok Blake. They can't hurt you with words. Remember...

Blake: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt.

Sam: Exactly. Now give your mom a hug and run along.

Kali bends down and hugs Blake.

Kali: You will do great, I just know it.

Kali and Blake separate and as Blake starts walking away, she turns back and rushes to Sam, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug.

Blake: I love you, dad.

Sam hugs Blake back and kisses the top of her head.

Sam: I love you too my little kitten.

Sam and Blake separate as she goes to school. Sam and Kali stand up as they see Blake walk through the doors and Kali wraps her arm around her husband.

Kali: She'll be good.

Sam: She'll be great, and you wanna know why?

Kali: (looks up at Sam) Why?

Sam: Because she has the best mom.

Kali: And the best father.

Sam and Kali turn away from the school as they head over to the market. The vibrant market of Menagerie is bustling with life as Sam and Kali navigate through the crowds of Faunus. Sam looks around to see Faunus staring at him since he was the only human living in Menagerie. Kali follows by his side, clutching his arm with hers.

Suddenly, a piercing scream cuts through the air. Everyone freezes as they turn towards the source - a frightened Faunus woman whose husband is being snatched by a Siren Grimm. The terrifying creature resembles a monstrous mix of an eel and a beautiful mermaid.

Without a moment's hesitation, Sam springs into action. He jumps into the water to see the Grimm attacking the Faunus. With a swift and calculated strike, he grabs the Grimm by its head, forcing it to release its captive and turn to Sam. The Grimm tries to use its claws to strike at Sam but he catches the arms. The Grimm then tries to bite Sam but he catches it off guard and headbutts the Siren, disorienting it. Sam then kicks the Grimm away and swims to the Faunus.

Sam grabs hold of the Faunus man, pulling him to the surface. As they reach the dock, Sam helps the Faunus man reach the ladder. The other Faunus are shocked to see Sam, a human, saving a Faunus without hesitation or a weapon. Kali looks to see Sam with a sigh of relief escaping her lips until...

The Grimm bursts out of the water and tackles Sam, dragging him underwater, its intentions clear - drowning the young hero. Sam's heart pounds in his chest, adrenaline coursing through his veins. He knows he's in grave danger.

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