Chapter 169-170

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Chapter 169: “Open the Window and You won’t Feel Stuffy.” (1)

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

Yu Qinghuan finally joined the film crew after finishing his work as the overseas cultural ambassador.

Since Zeng Peirong preferred second male lead, Yu Qinghuan, as the second male lead in How to Love You, had a screen time not much less than Qin Zheng. If it hadn’t been for the event of national television station, Liu Jia’an wouldn’t have allowed Qinghuan to delay the filming process.

In retrospect to the two roles played by Yu Qinghuan previously, Ye Sheng was a proud and frivolous rich second generation, while Zhao Qingping was a gloomy and tough avenger. Compared with the two characters, Wang Chuan seemed too mediocre.

He was the project manager of a small company. Like many young people struggling in big cities, he made pennies but worried like he had billions. He would get up from bed with just a phone call from his leader no matter how late it was.

His daily routine was to supervise the project process at the construction site and meet all kinds of needs of the first party like a servant, lest annoy these bosses. As for weekends, it was a luxury he dared not even think about.

His life was ordinary without spectacular.

However, such a person had the attachment and yearning for love that Ye Sheng and Zhao Qingping did not have.

After meeting Zhang Xiaomiao, Wang Chuan’s life was like a night sky suddenly lit by stars, dazzling and shining.

He began to have a goal and the motivation to continue in adversity because he wanted to give his beloved girl a place to live, a house.

He kept on taking projects and willingly ran to the isolated countryside in the southwest China and stayed there for more than half a year only in order to get a higher salary.

Although life was bitter, his love was sweet.

He had always firmly believed that as long as he worked hard, he would surely get happiness.

He had a chance to escape when he was struck by a mudslide.

At that time, he had already saved up nearly enough money to buy a house. The man would soon be able to confidently express his feelings to Xiaomiao. As long as he left there alive, his dream life would become a reality.

However, looking at the young colleague who had just graduated from college and had a boundless vision for future life, he hesitated.

Wang Chuan’ leaving this world was just like his personality, silent and unknown, leaving only Zhang Xiaomiao with a broken old-fashioned mobile phone full of bits and pieces of dialogues with her.

Wang Chuan’s love, though never spoken, ran through the whole movie.

If this storyline was well played, the feelings in the movie would sublimate to a new level. If not, it would become an unbearable long-winded disaster.

Therefore, before filming, Liu Jia’an especially spent two days to watch a lot of romantic movies with Yu Qinghuan to let him have a good experience of the feelings of people in love.

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