21. To my, lover!

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I was walking with my headphones on my ears. Music could help me forget about anything and enter quickly my fantasy world. So whenever I was not in the mood, music could help me become better. It is like when you are sick and need medicine. Music is the same thing. It is the medicine that will help you feel better when you are not. I noticed the pink tree from Mom's picture and went and sat under it, picking out a book from my bag. I removed my headphones, so it could be easier for me to focus. It was a sunny day, but I could see the dark clouds coming our way. I mean, it was winter, what else did we expect? After a couple of minutes, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I twisted the person's hands not too hard. It is not my fault that this is called self-protection! When I saw it was Minho, I immediately let go 

Y/n: I am so sorry 

I said, standing up and looking at him with an apologetic look, putting my book in my bag

Y/n: Did I hurt-

I said, but he interrupted me, not letting me finish my sentence 

Minho: I was the one who send you the tulips 

He said, and my eyes widened. Of course, it was him! How I didn't even think of it?

Minho: I asked Dae if he knew, and I went through your Instagram highlights to find out your favorite book. I read "The Wuthering Heights" just because I knew it was your favorite just like "Pride and Prejudice", "Anna Karenina", "Sense and Sensibility", and a lot more. I also know that you love listening to Taylor Swift and that you are secretly dancing when no one is watching. Yeah, I have seen you a couple of times in your room. I also know that you want to study at Yale and become a lawyer

He said with a smile on his face

Minho: I want to learn even more if you let me be a part of your life, not just in the present, but also in the future. I want your goals to achieve them with me by your side. Not just as a friend, but something more than that, because I am falling for you so hard that I can't keep it to myself any more. I never liked Maddison, it was you who I wanted, but I was scared to even admit it to myself. Q's punch on the head seems to work! But if you tell me that your feelings for me are not the same as mine, then I won't refer to them ever again, and I will wait for you to be ready as long as it takes! I don't care if it is days, weeks, months, or years! I will wait for you

He said and I smiled. Well, it seems like the pain was worth it after all. I went near him and put my hands on his cheeks, seeing them become red

Y/n: Just shut up and kiss me 

I said, and he smiled before his lips finally touched mine. The sparks and fireworks finally decided to appear, and the butterflies in my stomach were trying to annoy me so hard. But at this moment nothing could annoy me because I was happy. Even if the earth were ready to be destroyed, then I wouldn't care because I would be with him. And with him, I felt safe! I pulled away, and our foreheads touched, looking into each other's eyes 

Minho: I guess I am the poor guy then

He said, and I smiled before he kissed me again. Well, books always made my standards so high and since I was a little girl I always imagined waiting for my Prince Charming to come and save me from the dangerous and scary dragon. Well, ten years later, here I am. And I have to assure you dear readers that this is better than how I imagined it. Even better from the books!

Minho and I returned to our dorm a little later because the stars had already come out. We wanted to have the day to ourselves, and I have to say that it was worth it. Everyone was in their room getting ready to sleep. I looked at him with a smile and kissed his cheek 


I said and started walking to my dorm, but he pulled me by my hand and kissed me. Then he pulled away 

Minho: I was right you are obsessed with me 

He said and I smiled 

Y/n: Maybe I am, maybe I am not, but you will have to figure this out

I said, closing the door of my room. I found Kitty sitting on the bed with a huge smile on her face, and she immediately stood up when she saw me. The huge smiles on our faces made us know that we both have incredible news to share 

Kitty: Let's say it at the same time 

She said and I nodded 

Kitty:Dae and I are together again

Y/n: Minho and I are together

We both said and looked at each other in shock

Kitty: I knew it! I knew it since day one 

She said and we both fell on the bed looking at the ceiling 

Kitty: Does he make you feel happy?

She said and I nodded

Y/n: Yeah he does, he really does, Kitty! You?

I said with a smile and she nodded too 

Kitty: Yeah, me too! It seems like my sex dream about Yuri may have been wrong 

She said and I stood up 

Y/n: The what?

I asked, looking at her confused, and she nodded

Kitty: But it doesn't matter now because I know I love Dae 

She said and I smiled 

Y/n: As long as you are happy, then I am too 

I said and she hugged me. Well, what a wonderful day it was...

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