
419 12 7

June 27|2023

Y/n L/n, the most loving and gentle woman in town, local mother goose to the hungry children and troubled teens. She always had a bed, clothes and food for the kids who didn't want to go home or had no home to go to.

Y/n couldn't have children of her own, but taking care of the towns children and teens was enough for her. She loved hearing the children tell their tales from imaginary games to their time on the playground, she loved tucking them into bed and making them their favorite foods before they went home.

Y/n was also sadly used to teen moms dumping their newborns on her doorstep, Y/n would take in the baby and of course call the proper authorities, and they would thank her for her kindness and take the child to a state home to be adopted.

That day was different though.

Usually mothers would leave their babies swaddled up on her doorstep in the bright early mornings, so when there was no baby on her doorstep Y/n went about her morning.

It was a bit later when Y/n needed more sugar and lemons for lemonade and so she left her home to go to the grocery, and while walking back home, as she got closer she could hear the familiar cooing of a baby. Y/n began fast walking and gasped when she saw the basket sitting on her front porch.

She ran up and set down the grocery bag, kneeling down she reached for the sheer cloth covering the basket, pulling it back Y/n's heart dropped.

Inside a new born, instead of pink, the baby was yellow, the swaddle had come loose and his little arms shook and waved with each of his cries, and Y/n felt her heart break.

Y/n softly scooped the baby into her arms, and pulled the child close, she leaned her back against her door and held the small newborn close, the cries slowly turning into soft snores.

Y/n caught a glance of a tag attached to the basket, swaying in the breeze and Y/n could make out writing, when she was sure the baby was asleep she reached out and took the tag between her fingers.

"Please take care of my darling boy. " Y/n softly mumbled out,
"Darling huh?" Y/n pressed a soft kiss onto the baby's head, being mindful of the soft spot. Y/n noticed the streaks of dark blue peeking put of the beanie, you had seen many different children come and go but never any with natural dark blue hair.

It took you a moment, but you gotten up from the porch and decided to head inside to give Dr. Le'ann a call and tell her about the newborn baby boy, that you assumed had jaundice.

That was just about a year and a half ago, in that time you had learned he had a rare genetic mutation that turned his tan skin yellow and black hair to a dark blue. You had adopted him not long after he was left on your doorstep, the process was surprisingly quick only because the child seemed to have truly just popped into existence, and there weren't any records of anyone with his genetic mutation living in anywhere in your town, state and even surrounding states.

You still loved and took care of the children and teens in town, and sometimes a few of them would bring something for him whenever they would stop by, a small rattle or a fluffy friend.

You were currently putting away your other children's laundry with Kit, a 16 year old boy who came by more often after he came out to his parents, they were still getting used to the idea of no longer having a daughter.

"How did you do on your english test?" You asked setting down a newly folded shirt, you picked up a onesie, white with apples printed all over it, probably got stuck in the dryer again.
"I got a B+! Oops," Kit covered his mouth and looked over to the crib across the room where your son was laying, peacefully asleep.

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