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Ch. 54: Pillar of Flame

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Seraena's feet struck the ground.

Impact shuddered up her legs. She was dimly aware of Anna shouting her name, of the smell of smoke and metal and seared flesh, but none of it mattered. Raw pain beat in her chest like a second heart. She saw it over and over again: Mack and Alfie, streaking towards Vulcan with single-minded determination; Mack and Alfie, tumbling towards the frozen sea.

A scream ripped from her throat.

She unsheathed her blade, cutting a path through the battlefield. Blood sang in her ears. She was going to kill her, Seraena thought, and the words felt reasonable. She didn't care about God-Slayer, didn't care about gods and kingdoms and mythical swords.

She was going to drive a sword through Lucia's heart.

She swung her blade. Bodies fell around her, crumpling like folded fans. Something stung her shoulder. Seraena didn't care. Her lungs burned, her muscles burned, and there was a fire inside her, something impossible to put out—

"Seraena." Strong arms caught her. "Stop."

She kicked out wildly. There was an oof, but the arms didn't loosen. When Kane spoke, his voice was low and firm in her ear.


Seraena lashed out. "She killed them!"

"I know," Kane said, and his voice sounded ragged.

"Let me go." She twisted. "Let me go."

"I can't, honey," Kane murmured. "I'm sorry."

Something in her snapped.

Fire exploded along her skin, and Seraena let out a roar of frustration. She couldn't think. Heat filled her lungs with every breath. She had felt like this only once before, standing on the palace steps, when her councillors had bowed to her. Lady of the Flame, Mack had said later, shaking his head in wonder. You should have seen it, Raena; you became a pillar of fire. I thought you'd burn the entire palace to the ground.

She felt like that now. Felt like everything was burning, like it would never stop burning. The arms around her waist squeezed her tighter.


The thought came too late.

Seraena's eyes flew open. The grass around them had been scorched; a circle of burnt bodies surrounded them. Nausea rose in her throat, and she whirled around. Kane was breathing hard. His blond hair was slick with sweat and slightly charred, but he'd been mostly spared, Seraena realized with crushing relief. Thank gods.

Then Seraena noticed his arms.

The skin was raised and angry. Most of Kane's cloth tunic had burned away, revealing shiny-looking welts along the skin. A little cry escaped her.

"Oh, gods," Seraena said, "I'm sorry." Her throat was raw. "I'm sorry."

Kane drew her closer. "It's okay."

Tears sprung to her eyes. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I know." Kane shifted, wincing slightly. "It's okay."

"Kane!" Anna called.

She was sprinting across the field. Her gait was unsteady, and there were dark shadows under her eyes. Still, Anna didn't slow; her blue eyes flashed with something so cold that it felt like a burning brand against Seraena's skin.

"What did you do to him?" Anna demanded.

Her cheeks were flushed. The other girl looked like she wanted to smack Seraena across the face. She'd deserve it, Seraena thought dully; she'd deserve it, for burning Kane like that. For not protecting Mack and Alfie when they needed her most.

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