9|Kicked Out

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Eve's POV

He waited until most of the team left to walk to me.

"Meet me in the janitor's closet," he whispered into my ears before leaving.

I laughed. Was this a joke? It has to be a joke.

There is no way he expects me to meet him in the janitor's closet.

I continued packing up my equipment and went to my car.

He is probably playing me and even if he wasn't there is no way he would've waited in that hot, dark, and tiny room for so long.

I started the engine.

What if he was though?

Why would he? Why should I care?

I out the car in reverse.

I mean it wouldn't hurt just to make sure he's not. I turned off the engine and quickly ran back into the school.

I went to only janitor's closet near the gym and there he was with a scowl on his face and drenched in sweat.

"Haze?" I asked as I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"What took you so long?"

"You actually waited?" I asked out of shock.

"Of course, I waited!" he shouted angrily. "Why wouldn't I?"

"What's your plan? What do you plan on gaining from this? What about your 'onetime' rule?" I asked out of paranoia.

For all I know, this could be another one of his childish pranks and I will not have him fool me this time.

His face got even more pissed. "Look Eve, I don't have time for this. I knew it was a mistake to call you here."

With that being said, he opened the door and left.

Why was he mad? I was the one that was supposed to be mad!

He has been playing tricks on me from ever since I knew him so excuse me for not thinking this was a trick as well.

It was so random and he gave no true explanation.

I shook my head and walked back to the car. This was all a mistake.


I arrived home in less than twenty minutes. As soon as I closed the car door, my phone rang. It was dad.

"Hi dad!"

"Hello Evelyn," he said making sure to stress my name since he knew I didn't like it. "How's hell?"

"Like hell."

He laughed as I opened the front door.

"Evelyn!" I heard a voice shout and I immediately regretted opening the door.

She walked to me. "Is that your father?"

"What's up Tessa?"

She immediately grabbed my phone. "Tell your daughter she must respect my husband!"

"And why would I do that?"

I sighed, "mom, we talked about it this morning. I told you I will."

She glared at me, "You didn't apologize. I expected you to go and apologized but instead you just left!"

"Why would I? I told you it was an honest mistake. I lost track of time."

"Oh please Evelyn, what could have possibly be doing to 'lose track of time'?"

I bit my tongue.

"What is going on?"

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