✨16✨ : Reunion

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Pov Samira

I know I said we shouldn't rush into things without thinking, but since when do I listen to myself?

"Bravo Samira", my conscience sarcastically congratulated me.

I was unaware of this, and after realizing that Esan was far from being out of danger, I tried to track down the so-called "new number" he used to send us his so-called "messages", and I can tell you that since the only time I've called him, he's never called back, claiming to be busy and once again by message.

But what puzzled me the most was when I sent him a message, asking him if he'd enjoyed our romantic dinner before he left, I didn't send it aimlessly, if it was really Esan who was replying, of course he'd have known that the romantic dinner boiled down to me collapsing in the rain but he'd replied with "That's nice 😁", so even the reply went but the smiley, disaster, never in Esan's life does he use a smiley.

So sure, someone wanted to hurt him, but why?" Maybe he had fun lying to another woman and now she's getting her revenge" I thought ironically.

"Samiraaaa ! " scolded my conscience, to which I rolled my eyes, what ? It could very well be true all as "false" breathed my conscience.

Ughh! That one, you're my conscience or his ??? Always taking his SIDE ! Anyway, here I am, in a rural face, far from the capital, it was so difficult to track down the number signal, this place was so reclusive, cut off from the world, that I had to go to a hacker professor when my skills as a hacker were not beginner.

"A lawyer who turns out to be a hacker, what would the world SAY ? lamented my conscience

"That I'm a great person" I replied aloud, earning a questioning look from the boy accompanying me.

When I got here, none of the villagers would talk to me, nor would they show me the place I'd asked about, because they thought I was crazy. Only this little boy, after I'd bought him some food, deigned to take me along, and again, promising to keep a low profile. I knew this place was strange and dangerous.

"It's here, Didi", he said, pointing to an abandoned warehouse.

I looked at the building, which must have been abandoned by a company after it burned down. It was falling apart.

"Thanks, kid, I know I've already given you a few things, but take this as a help," I said, handing him the money I had left

He thought for a moment before accepting, and for the first time I saw him smile a little.

"Didi, I don't know why you're here, but this village is horrible. Leave as quickly as you can, especially before they come back," he said in a serious tone.

I wanted to ask him what he was talking about, but he fled when he saw a car coming towards us, filled with men, and they stopped in front of me, surrounding me.

"Who are you ?" one of them asked menacingly.

I didn't answer, thinking what to say, they looked violent. "I'm just passing through, I've come to visit someone" I told them calmly

I tried to leave but before I could understand anything, I felt a huge pain in my back and my eyes gradually closed, a smell filled my nostrils and made me lose consciousness.


I opened my eyes with difficulty. "Ya Allahhhh" I scream, feeling my back ache

Those idiots had hit me before using a piece of tissu to render me unconscious.
I tried to move, but my feet were tied, only my hands were free. I think I was inside the warehouse, as expected the place was gloomy, dirty, and there wasn't much light.

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