6. Careless

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After second period on Monday, the students from year one and two went to the north field to attend the weekly flag-raising ceremony.

Class 9 was standing right in front of the flag raising platform, in the middle of the field. Boys in one line, girls in one line, lined according to height.

The summer sunlight was scorching hot. Even though it was just after ten, the naked skin that was shined by the sunlight was dripping with sweat.

Yi Zhong's school rules stated that students attending the flag-raising ceremony in school uniform. Looking from across was a sea of blue and white, except for that patch in the middle.

The group of boys standing at the end of the line were all wearing their own clothes.

Black, yellow, red, a patch of different colours mixed inside showed their own alternative style.

Year two class nine, was a special presence in the cohort.

There were top students who can easily catch up to students in the experimental class, and there were also the rich kids who dangled at the bottom of the year. The students in class 9 liked to stir up trouble, but the school kept leaving them alone, or closed a blind eye on them. This made the other students have a feeling of wanting to stay away from them.

If the school couldn't control them, they naturally wouldn't go and provoke them.

The dean walked past once, and stoically asked Xu Xing Chun who was standing in front of the class. "The students in your class, why are they not wearing their school uniforms again?"

Xu Xing Chun pursed his lips, and answered formally, "Forgot to bring."

"Forgot to bring again? How many times has this happened?"

Li Zhi Ping frowned, increasing his voice. "You guys from class 9, stop trying to make yourselves special, if you're attending this school, then follow the school rules!"

Xu Xing Chun silently listened, his expression unchanging. He remained cold and quiet, his profile clear.

After educating with a few more words, Li Zhi Ping didn't dare to get angry, as the boy in front of him was a top three straight A student. So he said, "Remember to remind them next time, don't take it too far."

After the dean left, the few girls who stood at the front exhaled.

They quietly discussed.

"Li Zhi Ping always only dared to talk in front of the class president, if he was capable then he should have just told Xie Ci's group standing behind..."

"Tsk, what's the point in talking to those people, they won't listen."

"Then what's the point of telling the president."

"At least he should flat out be daring and go look for the people behind..."


The conversations of the people beside entered her ears, and Ma Xuan Rui couldn't help but secretly glance at the boy in front.

Maybe it was because she was staring at him for a ling time, or maybe it was because her stare was too intense. He seemed to notice, and turned to look back, a shadow casted on his side profile by the sunlight.

She didn't dare to continue looking, and hurriedly lower her head, she couldn't help but be put into a trance.

Ma Xuan Rui and Xu Xing Chun had been in the same class for two semesters, but the conversations that had were very few.

She knew he was good looking, smart, and was secretly liked by a lot of girls. After school, there would be girls who would deliberately ask him questions while holding exercise books. He had never been annoyed, his face expressionless, but very polite.

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