Chapter 63

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"I missed you." Karim snuggled into the crook of Zaira's neck.

"You did great out there. I'm so proud of you."

"Couldn't have done it without you." Karim whispered.

Ali cleared his throat behind them.

"Your highnesses. If I may be excused."

"Ali invited us to his wedding." Karim pulled back to say.

Zaira raised a brow in confusion.
"Wasn't it when I left the country?"

"Yeah but he postponed it because he didn't want his best friend to miss out on his big day." Karim grinned.

Zaira scrunched her face at Karim's comment. "Ali would never make you his best friend."

"What? Why?"

"Because I'm his best friend. Isn't that right, Ali? You postponed it because I wasn't in the country. Aw just admit it. No need to be shy. It's all right."

"Excuse me, your highness."

"You're making the poor man uncomfortable. If he changes his mind about inviting us I'm blaming you." Karim said to Zaira.

Ali turned and got back into the car driving away before he was forced to give up whom he liked the most between the two.


"Ah you're glowing."

Karim watched as his Aunt Farrhana gushed over Zaira.

"You'll make such a beautiful bride. I'm so happy you gave me the chance to organise your wedding."

"I don't think we had a choice though. You said you'd come for my head if not." Karim added with a smile.

His aunt glared at him.
"I'm grateful you're doing this though." Zaira appeased.

Her glare was instantly replaced with a smile.

"I'll make it my best project so far." She grinned. "And you Karim. Do something about your face. You look like a zombie. We can't have you standing by this beautiful Queen on her day."

Karim's mouth dropped.
"Our day." Karim corrected.

"That's what you think. The only thing I can praise you for is allowing this girl to glow. I know you hated your first wedding but this I'll make sure you love it."

Zaira looked at Karim.
She knew.

"Oh darling. Don't worry. I may not live here but I'm updated on...necessary information." His aunt shrugged casually.

Just like Karim's other aunt, Halima. Zaira had not had any conversations with her as well so it was a bit awkward now.

"We have to start choosing the decorations soon. Habiba's wedding will be 3 weeks after yours so we have to get both prepped at the same time. And then we..."

Zaira was hoping she looked like she was listening to everything Aunt Farrhana was saying. She just couldn't keep up.

Karim decided to step in this time to save her.
"Big plans. Big plans. But Habiba isn't home from work so she still has time to rest before you drag her around with you." Karim explained which earned a glare from his aunt.

"Fine. We will start tomorrow then. Rest up, Zaira. Don't let the ogre stress you out. Even I can't fix that."

"You're supposed to love me, Aunt Farrhana."

"Well my heart isn't big enough so I had to let someone go to let Zaira in." She grinned.

Karim rolled his eyes at her before turning to leave with Zaira in tow.

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