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Five: Enough Time Wasted

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Brynn pressed her lips together and shook her head. Her fingers had stalled over the keyboard—something that made her glance down in surprise.

All the leads so far had either sent her into an endless loop of research and information, or fizzled out entirely.

Nowhere, nowhere, nowhere. The moment Arietta got into that helicopter, she had completely disappeared.

She'd run down every path she knew, even looking into purchases of military equipment and medical supplies as well as any sightings of Reison or the individuals associated with him.

"Another dead end," she told Ronan.

"How so?"

Brynn gestured at the screen with one finger. "Janine Jackson, the Freehold Association accounting contact, died a week ago in a car accident outside Sapphire City."

Ronan blew out a slow breath and, carefully, looked toward Gavriel on the other side of the aerie.

The leader of the Southern Shifter Territory leaned against the large middle support beam, arms crossed. Although the lazy stance screamed containment and ease, his eyes spoke the truth. Since the moment Gavriel entered the aerie, his eyes were the yellow-green of the leopard hidden inside him.

It sent Brynn's instincts into caution mode. The human side of Gavriel she could handle. However, the leopard would have speed, strength, and better senses than she ever could. The leopard was more dangerous.

Gavriel's state seemed to give Ronan the same level of concern. As it was, Ronan had slowly inched closer and closer to Brynn. As if...as if he was ready to throw himself in between Gavriel and her if needed.

"What's next?" Gavriel asked. From here, with the way the sun entered through the skylight and washed over him, Brynn could spot the dark circles under his eyes.

The man wasn't sleeping. And with the way Ronan kept flexing his hands, Brynn knew there was a lot wrong with Gavriel O'Connor right now.

Territory leaders had a responsibility Brynn would never wish on anyone. She imagined Gavriel had a lot of juggling to do: funerals for those lost, ensuring the security of the territory, and, now, searching for the woman who had helped mitigate some of the damage Reison and his men wrecked on his people.

That Gavriel was personally seeking Arietta out and arranging her rescue spoke volumes about his sense of responsibility.

It worked out for her. So long as their goals aligned, it made it much easier for her to play the part she needed to play right now.

Brynn mulled over Gavriel's question. What was next? "I...don't know."

She had an idea. However, she would not be the one to offer it to Gavriel. Best to see what his plans were first, before she dealt her last card.

"Are you sure about this, Gavriel?" Brynn asked, fingers stalled over the laptop keyboard. The keyboard was where her hands felt the most comfortable. Not wrapped around a blade or a gun. Although they were comfortable enough there too.

No, the keyboard, research, had been where she excelled. It was one reason her people had decided to—

Brynn mentally shook herself. "Your people need you right now," she said carefully. "Are you sure you want to chase this woman down?"

It was a dangerous question. But she needed to confirm this man was like her: ready to do whatever was necessary.

The leopard stared back at her. "Yes." He said. Nothing more.

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