Secrets from the Past

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Eric was suddenly lifted from the mountain by a stranger with long hair and piercing green eyes. He struggled to catch his breath as he found himself at the peak, feeling disoriented and unsure about the woman who had brought him there.

"You are not secure here. We must act quickly. "They are coming for you," the Ukrainian-Russian woman stated in Ukrainian.

Eric had extensive knowledge of the Wagner Men, Russia's most fearsome private military company. Soldiers are to be loyal to the organization itself. Why were they after him? That was the question in his thoughts. When they dashed up to the vehicle and hopped inside, gunshots broke out in the distance.

"Who are you?" he said as the lady reached into her stealth and drew out her stiletto to tear his parachute.

As they sped down the rough, dirt road, the woman looked to the side and remarked, "I'll explain later. It's not a good time now."

"You still haven't explained why the Russians are chasing me." Eric inquired, suspiciously.

"My name is Kateryna Pasternak. I'm an assassin for Night Drop. "You probably don't remember me," she added as she slid over into the passenger seat and continued. "Take the wheel."

The armored truck swung right for them, throwing the door wide as the assassin twisted her body to aim. She blasted off the front tires with her trusted MP5 submachine gun and Magnum Research 1911. when the truck skidded off the road. Eric reflected on his experiences and recalled training a Ukrainian-Russian for Night Drop. However, it was quite some time ago and he cannot recall her whereabouts after that. Holiday has kept all the necessary information in case of a potential security breach.

The skilled assassin inquired, "May I ask where we are headed?"

"Don't worry," Kateryna assured Eric, "I have a safe house nearby. Rest assured, it is not a Russian Intelligence database or any other intelligence service list."

They parked the jeep outside the safe house and walked out, slamming the door behind them. Eric examined the area for anything out of the norm. The assassin was still unsure if he could trust her. She had, in a sense, saved his life.

They strode up to the door as she entered the passcode on the security panel outside, and the sensor turned green and opened. Eric entered, looking around. He quickly spotted the weapons locker and said, "Enough of this need-to-know bullshit. Tell me what's going on and how you know I'll be on that mountain.

"Listen," she said, sighing before beginning. A mole lurks within the agency. We have not identified. A mole within the agency compromised Night Drop and exposed your cover>"

"We learned that whomever the mole was had hidden a tracking device in her pelican case and that you were on your way to Ukraine," Kateryna told him.

"I know you saved my life and I'm grateful for that, so I think I can trust you," Eric stated calmly.

"You can trust me, Eric, but keep in mind that the Russian President wants you." you, she explained.

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