Chapter 106

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Pham , we do not have much time, i need you to speak now ! Otherwise your son will be affected by this .

No .. my mom planned to kill Becky , But Armstrong known this . Armstrong is one who helped us to come out of the prison. He need us to kill freen . But my mom planned to kill Becky so that freen can suffer lot .  Armstrong came to know this and he tried to collapse the plan . I followed to stop him . But when i reached the place , i saw freen who pointing her gun to the man who we hired to kill Becky . The place is really crowded . Mom told me to shoot Becky . Suddenly Armstrong came in between and i shooted Armstrong

You mean , freen did not shoot Armstrong.

No , her bullet is dummy . We changed the bullets already when we came to meet Rhea .

But why !

In hospital , Becky holded Freen hand tightly . The nurse dresses Becky leg with fracture band tightly .

Doctor how is she ! Freen asked

Nothing to worry, it's a mild will take two weeks to be normal . Take care properly . Don't make her to strain with that leg . She need complete rest for a two weeks and give her this vitamins tablet .

Thanks doctor .

Nurse came with a Injection , Becky seeing injection she shouted .

Doctor , i don't want injection .

It will reduce your pain , it's pain killer , doctor replied

No .. no ... I don't want , Becky screamed

Freen smiled on seeing this .

Freen help me .. i don't want that .. say to them .. Becky shouted at Freen

Ok , i will say , but freen moved towards Becky and she holded her tightly.

Nurse put a injection into Becky arms and Becky bites freen hand .

Freen shouted in pain .

Becky .. you did not change yet, freen said

Freen then rubbed the area where the nurse put a injection.

It's painful, freen asked

Little bit .

Ok come, hathu is waiting for us in the car , let go , freen came to lift Becky . Becky putted her hand front .

I can come myself with the help of stick , Becky said

Ok your wish , freen walked behind Becky . Becky suddenly missed her balance and fell on freen . Freen holded her placing her hand on Becky waist .

Becky and Freen looking at each other , Becky bites her low lips looking at Freen's lip . Freen went near Becky's lip . Soon a car horn made them to come to reality .

Leave me , Becky shouted .

Freen helped Becky to stand . They reached the car . Hathu slept inside the car and Becky sat in the back seat . Freen adjusted her mirror view and she looked at Becky smile .

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