Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

The air crackled with tension as Ryzel crouched in the shadows of the second-level basement, where the control room was located. According to Yohan, the control room was where Makimoto spent most of his time, and Ryzel believed that he could obtain important information from there. Ryzel and Blue had decided to split up: Blue would rescue the carriers and simultaneously penetrate the fortress by taking down Makimoto's men one at a time.

Blue looked at Ryzel, who was now getting ready to move. "Do not be reckless, Ryzel. Lives are at stake here; follow the plan," Blue reminded him.

Ryzel gritted his teeth and took a deep breath, trying to calm his excitement. Finally, he was getting closer to bringing justice to the death of his mother and to all the people that Raymond Harris had abused, experimented on, and killed. He glanced at Blue and nodded. "I will, Winters. We will get what we came here for, and we will get out of here in one piece," Ryzel assured Blue, whose eyes were filled with worry. "Ken's with me," Ryzel added, hoping to reassure the concerned Blue.

Blue glanced at Ken, who gave him a thumbs-up. "Don't worry, Cap. I'll watch Captain Ryzel's back." Blue brushed his hair back and nodded. He was yet to figure out why he felt so restless, anxious, and frustrated when Ryzel put himself in a situation where he could get harmed.

"I'll be careful," Ryzel promised, and that was enough for Blue.

That's what Ryzel said, but when he received the information about the second-level basement, he knew he couldn't put Ken and the rest of the team at risk. "Ken, go check out the first-level basement. I'll go to the second level," Ryzel calmly ordered, trying not to alarm Ken and the team.

"I should at least go with you," Ken suggested, but Ryzel couldn't allow it.

"No. Follow my orders, and the sooner you finish, the sooner you can assist me," Ryzel said firmly, not in the mood to accept any retorts.

Sweat trickled down Ryzel's forehead, his keen senses on high alert. He knew he was closing in on his target—the notorious and cruel Makimoto. The basement was dark, but Ryzel was prepared. With a flick of his wrist, he activated his night vision goggles, turning the darkness into shades of green. He scanned the dimly lit room, his eyes fixated on Makimoto's henchmen guarding the perimeter. They were armed to the teeth, but that didn't faze him. Stealth was his ally.

Meanwhile, Blue couldn't shake the feeling of worry and restlessness as he shot down his enemies one by one, their brains exploding and splattering on the clean, white tiles of the laboratory. With pursed lips, he ordered his team to move on while he pressed his earpiece to contact Ken. "Where are you?" Blue's voice carried urgency and frustration as his eyes scanned the surroundings for other enemies. He reloaded his guns and slipped them into his holster while leaving small explosives around.

Ken landed a strong punch on his enemy and shot him in the head before answering his agitated captain. "He's on the second-level basement. How are things on your end, Captain? Were the carriers safely rescued?"

"Yes, and what do you mean Ryzel is on the second-level basement? You're not with him?" Blue's pulse raced as a sudden and overwhelming sense of dread started to spread through his system. He ran to the elevator and pressed B2, closing his eyes in hopes of calming down and clearing his head. This was a crucial mission, and Blue couldn't afford to be distracted. He knew he was better than this. He had been in several high-pressure missions and had come out of them successfully with his decisive actions and rational decisions.

The only difference was that he hadn't met Ryzel back then. Blue had no distractions, so he was able to focus on his job. "Captain Ryzel insisted, and we will back him up as soon as we finish here. You don't have to worry; he is Phantom's best agent. He could take down an entire syndicate alone. Please never forget that," Ken calmly explained, gesturing for his team to search for anything useful.

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