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•[Game Over]•

Kageyama took a seat on the bench and sighed. Every passing day gets more depressing for him. He loves volleyball but he's starting to feel the strain on his knee.

He wants to go to nationals with everyone and he wants to get there with Hinata but...his knee, his heart, everything just hurts. And he hates it.

"Fuck her."

Kageyama glanced to the left of him to see Tsukki. He's sweating and panting. Tsukishima gazed at the boy but Kageyama said nothing. Tsukki sighed.

"I have something to show you," Tsukki begins. "Hopefully it will ease your mind a bit and get your head in the game."

"Why do you care so much?" Tsukishima scoffed.

"I'll give you my explination afterwards. And this isn't about whether I care or not. I'm still an asshole."

"Tch, well at least you're self aware." He mutters. Tsukishima got up and motioned for Kageyama to follow him. Kageyama sighed and got up from his seat, following Tsukishima to the locker room.

When they got there Tsukishima took out his phone. Kageyama watched him.

"What is all of this about?"

"You've been miserable since the incident as well as dealing with Y/N's sudden heartbreak. She didn't care because she didn't take the time to eveb say sorry or to even text. Not only that, after just a few mouths later she's already fallen in love with someone else.

"I may not show it and I may tease mostly all of you but it's my way of saying I can tolerate you all. Even you."

"Okay. And?"

Tsukishima went to the video and handed his phone to Kageyama.

"I know if it was me I'd have been pissed. Imagine sitting in the stands watching other people do what you love, or accomplish what you want to accomplish?"

Kageyama stared at the paused video, waiting for Tsukishima to finish.

"Just watch it. And if it doesn't clear your head then maybe you're just weak."

Kageyama didn't know what Tsukishima was going on about but he pressed play. He heard sniffling and crying and glanced at Tsukki.

Tsukki motioned for him to keep watching and he did. There was shuffling, then a scratching sound before the camera was set up.

Kageyama couldn't believe his eyes on what he was seeing on the screen. In a sobbing mess, clutching a hammer, is Y/N. She's in her room and purple lights are on.

"Is this what you wanted? Huh? To see me in pain? To see me suffer!?" Y/N set her hand on the desk and sobbed as she rose her hand in the air.

Kageyama was frozen in curiosity and worry. He didn't look away though he kept watching.

"Just leave me alone after this."

It was a whisper, barely audible to the ears. Then, she hit herself. Again, and again, and again she hit her hand. Kageyama could hear the bones crack and her screams of pain.

It wasn't until she got tired that she stopped. The hammer dropped to the floor and Y/N sobbed.

"Are you happy?!" She cries. And for another minute it would just be her sobbing and heaving for breath until the video ended.

Kageyama didn't know what to say, or even think. Everything was so sudden. To see Y/N hurt herself and scream in agony. He felt...oddly calm. Like it didn't affect him one bit.

It was strange for him to feel this way, but now he knows why he'd been feeling so shitty.

"So...how do you feel?"

Kageyama passed Tsukishima his phone and exhaled.

"Why would she do that?"

"Because she's insane. It was probably guilt however...I didn't know she would actually do it." He snickered.

"You told her to do that?"

"Yeah. But to be honest I was just putting fear in her. I didn't know she'd actually hurt herself. So how do you feel?"

"Why are you doing all of this? You don't like me and I don't really like you."

"I thought of you as Tadashi." He admits. "When he was being bullied I did something about it because I didn't like it. The pain he went through, the suffering. And it's the same here

"I hate her because she's selfish, I hate her because she destroyed everything we had going on as friends and as a team. To be honest...it wasn't until she broke your knee that I started hating her.

"But know your worth. If she could fall in love with Kozume after a few months of leaving you hear to deal with what she did, then maybe she didn't love you at all.

"And also, if you convince your brain that you're in pain, then you will feel pain. Science."

Tsukishima stood up and went to leave until Kageyama stopped him.

"Thank you. After seeing that video I realized that I wanted to see her a bit unhappy. I don't hate her, but it did make me feel better. So thank you, but leave her alone. The damage is already done now."

Tsukki smirked. "So end it?"

Kageyama didn't know what he meant by that but he nodded.



Tsukishima gave Kageyama a pat on the shoulder and gripped tightly.

"If you tell anyone about this I will shatter the next knee." He left the room and Kageyama massaged his shoulder. Then he laughed.

"Fucking asshole."


Y/N is in the corner of her room rocking back and forth. She wrapped her hand in bandages after fulfilling what Tsukki wanted her to do. She had been broken and driven to straight up madness.

She didn't go to school and has been in her room for hours now. Crying and sobbing. She hates him, she hates everything about his being.

She had no problem with him like that before, what she felt was a playhate type of relationship with him. But after the incident he grew increasingly hostile.

Evil even.

Y/N after crying for another hour finally stopped. She got up from her seat and went to the bathroom, filling the tub with water. Y/N stripped out of her clothes, wincing at the pain in her hand for a moment.

She sniffled and got in, hitching in a breath due to the steaming hot water. She didn't care, she was already numb from crying and hurting herseld so who cares?

As the tub filled Y/N fell asleep. She didn't know that, despite doing what Tsukishima asked of her, he would still expose her secret to the world as a way of, "ending it".

And as the girl who thought that after taking her left hand she'd be left alone and would continue to post content to all of her fans. But no, Tsukishima had other ideas.

And in truth, exposing her was always his plan. He didn't care about anything pertaining to her. And it brought him a bit of joy to see that she'd pay for ruining two lives.

So it was her turn to play. And she just got it. For her it's game over. And she's yet to know it.

DAMN...all that for nothing? Maybe tsukki is the one with the problems.

And what would Kenma say when he finds out?

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