Part 36.2 - AURA OF GOLD

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Thunderhead Sector, Erudite System, Venorria, Citadel City

"Open the doors," Lord Protector Kingston Borealis commanded.

The guards heaved to, grabbing onto the handles of the throne room's ornate doors. Scraping against the stone floor of the palace, the massive doors opened slowly, and the moment the gap was large enough, Borealis rushed through.

He did not slow his pace among the gilded columns of the throne room. His boots tapped loudly against the polished floors as he hurried to kneel at the edge of the marble dais in the center of the room. "My lady," he said, bowing his head, "I bring urgent news."

Upon the dais, seated on a throne of solid gold and carved ivory, the Eternal Empress reached out, gesturing him to his feet. "Lord Protector," she spoke, tone soft and melodic, "you need not kneel." That arcane tradition persisted as a gesture of respect. She did not require it. "Tell me your news."

Slowly, Borealis stood, looking to the Empress. "Malibu Flower has contacted us again, my lady."

She inclined her head pensively, considering the ramifications of such a report. "So soon?" Her words were not muffled by the white porcelain mask that covered her face. They reached him through the gap in the mask's painted red lips. "And what cost, pray tell, did he ask of us this time?"

The Lord Protector straightened the blue sash that ran across his crisp, white uniform. "He offered it to us free of charge, Empress."

"How peculiar," she murmured softly, leaning forward to wrap her hands around the festooned armrests of her throne. It fit the length of her arm, and the size of her dainty hands perfectly, as this throne had been built to suit her. "It is most unusual for the rats of the underworld to offer anything without turning a profit." Dealing with them had always been a risk. Rumor of her nation's wealth would entice such people to charge a high price for their services. Still, the Cassiopeia Coalition had wealth to spare. What the Empress lacked was information.

"I agree," the Lord Protector said. "I attempted to question Flower's intentions, but he refused to provide an explanation."

The Empress lifted her gaze to the decorative capital of the column in front of her. The gold leafing covered the chiseled marble flawlessly. It glittered in the light, one of many that held up the throne room's vaulted ceilings. "I imagine information brokers do not favor questions regarding their sources or their motive. After all, we did not provide him ours."

The Lord Protector nodded in agreement. "Still, the data appears legitimate. The coordinates he provided us are not far, galactically speaking, from her last known position in the Paleon Sector. Flower assured she will be in that location at some point, though he cannot guarantee the timing. He also advised us to be aware of an active firefight in the region." Borealis set his jaw proudly, "I must say I found his concern out of place. The Royal Guard can handle itself." The Cassiopeia Coalition had one of the most capable national guards in the worlds.

"Be cautious with your pride, Lord Protector." While the Coalition maintained an able defense force, they lacked the ability to project power beyond their accepted borders. The centralized government would never have allowed the creation of such a fleet. "Flower is right to exercise caution. If any of our forces are caught on the wrong side of the engagement, then our objective is forfeit."

The Lord Protector kept his shoulders squared. With tidy brown hair, brown eyes, and a strong jawline, he was a handsome man, though perhaps oddly young for his position. As the Lord Protector, he led the Cassiopeia Coalition's military and defense forces, but he, like every other person within the Coalition's sovereign borders, answered to the Eternal Empress. "Your orders, my lady?"

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