Chapter 48

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When I was a little girl, I always wondered why do people pluck the flowers from it's bed

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When I was a little girl, I always wondered why do people pluck the flowers from it's bed. Won't plucking it will make the flowers die faster? Even though people know the truth they still ignore it and for the satisfaction of their hearts they separate them from their roots and let them die.

Sitting here, looking at these flowers, and admiring their beauty is something I seem to hardly to in my life. Even though the view is peaceful my mind keep going back to the conversation that was held in the morning between my family and I. Well, mostly it was nonno who was talking we all were just listening. But his question had put me in quandary. What should I do? Earlier, when I got up in that foreign room, I was enraged, I wanted to get out of here. But when nonno said all those things that were in my heart, my anger diminished. The ache that I have been feeling, vanished. If I think about it now why did nonno made me choose between those two options in first place. Doesn't he want to live with me as well? Is that the reason why he made me ask that? Is he also thinking the same as other?

"What are you thinking so hard about princess?" That voice caught me off guard.
"Nothing much nonno."
"I know cara, it is not easy for you but never forget one thing. Whatever decision you'll make, your nonno and nana will always be by your side."
"That's the issue nonno, I don't know what to do, which way to go?"
"Don't worry, cara Just believe in yourself"
"Thanks nonno"
"You don't have to thank me, Hazel but I really wish that you stayed with us. Also, I can help you with getting back to those guys."
"what do you mean nonno?"
"I meant to say that we can make them pay for what they have made you through last couple of days."
"no, I can't I am not that evil. Surely I'm angry with all of them, but I don't want to harm them."
"all right if that's what you want. I'm OK with it. I'm OK with whatever you want. Now I really don't want my Fox getting into any trouble."

That word was enough to make me freeze on my spot. I looked into his eyes to see what he's trying to imply. Surely there is something he knew about it, so I decided to ask him.
"How did you........." I couldn't even complete my sentence when he interrupted me.
"as I said, in the morning, Hazel, you cannot hide anything from me not even a tiny ant. The day in the company when you help us with that problem, I had my doubts about it surely you are an intelligent girl, but the way you handled the whole situation. Even the professional tech guys were amazed with the knowledge that you had so I asked Lorenzo to to check on it, and surely my assumptions were right."
"You do know that you are keeping a lot of tabs on me, which I may feel offended about nonno."
"I know Hazel, my princess, I'm aware of it and I don't want you to get into any trouble alone now that you have us."
"Thanks nonno. I think I have my answer to the question that you asked me in the morning."
"ha ha ha....... I'm glad Bambina I'm glad."
"can I ask you something nonno?"
"Sure Cara you don't need a permission to ask me anything just shoot your questions or worries."
"do you all really think that I am the reason for my mothers death? Does my father really think that? Does he really regret seeing me? You know I was very angry today in the morning with Santino, Achillie and Gabrielle. But after the way you made them realize their mistake even more; my anger diminished. When I got to know that I have a family here in Italy, my biological family, I have brothers, I have a father, I have grandparents I was very happy I was like on the seventh sky. I thought maybe now the tag off orphan will be removed from my head. However, after these three days, I've realized that maybe I am not destined to stay happy, to have a family."

As I was telling him all these things pouring out my heart, my eyes were wet. I couldn't control myself. I just want somebody to hear me out. I...... I'm tired.... I'm tired of keeping all these thoughts to myself. Since the day I have entered this please I feel a different connection with him. I feel like I can talk about anything, even the most stupid thing, and he will listen to eat and everything that will come out of my mouth.
"Hazel, listen to me carefully, and this is the first and last day that I will tell you this. Never ever say that you don't have a family or you are orphan. I know that you have had your bad days but now it's over. I'm always here for you whenever you wanted to talk to anyone. I will be there by your side."

Well, that was enough for me to start flowing the river from my eyes. It's been so long, maybe ages, that somebody has told me that they will be there for me.
"Thank you nonno." I said it, while hugging him.
After a few minutes when I feel like I'm calmed down, I looked towards him, and said "I want to stay with you all, especially you and Nana, but on the other hand, I don't want to see their faces as well, especially Santino."
"Hmmm ....... then how about I shift you in one of my guest houses here on this property? This way you will be staying close to us and safe. Plus you will have your privacy too. Also, it's time that we are make those losers before what they did with you."
"Remind me nonno do always stay on your good side." I said it with an uncomfortable laugh.
"ha ha ha..... my princess, you will always be in my heart."

After that, nonno left me there. I was glad that I could talk with him. I really wanted to have this conversation with someone I feel like since I've come in contact with my family I've started to share out my feelings instead of keeping it in my heart. I guess now it's time for me to stop these tears and start planning for those monkeys to make their life miserable. Boys here I come. Hehehe....... you better stay alert because I will be a nightmare from now on.

 you better stay alert because I will be a nightmare from now on

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