chapter 3

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I woke up to the loud blaring of my alarm, my hand lazily reached out to slam it shut, I didn't manage to catch some sleep yesterday night

All thanks to him...


He has even found his way into my dreams

I sat up yawning tiredly before making my way to the bathroom

After a warm shower, I brush my long brown hair and clasped it into a tight ponytail that I always wore, I stared at my expression in the mirror to see a little dark circle under my eyes and a sign escape my lips

I decided to apply a little makeup today to cover it up which was totally unlike me

Walking back to my room, I snatched my glasses from my reading desk along with my books and made my way downstairs...


I heard voices discussing before I finally came into view...

Mum and Jennifer were discussing something, when I came to view a smile lit up her face...

"Morning mum," I said making my way to the breakfast table...

"Sweetie, how was your night ?"

Before I could reply Jenifer decided to speak for me

"Why do you even ask mum? I'm sure it went exactly how you expect a nerd's night to go.."

"Jenifer be nice!" Mum said shooting her a glare, turning back to me she said

"Honey have some breakfast before sash comes to pick you up"

Sasha, Lilian and derick were the only friends of mine mum and dad knew, well that was because they were my only friends, since the beginning of high school when Mark started his torture no one wanted to be friends with me, I didn't even have a boyfriend because he had spread a rumor back then that I had herpes...

" Is there a problem?" Mum's voice distracted my thoughts

" Um... No, I'll eat now"

I took a piece of bread and smear it with butter and took a huge bite

"Do you always have to eat like a pig?" Jenifer snickered

"I'll eat however I want" I replied

Mum just shook her head, she was probably used to our fight by now

"You even wore makeup?" She said in an accusing tone

I rolled my eye 'duh' it was just a concealer I replied in my head

"Did you wear it for someone?" She asked, I raised up my head to meet her gaze

"What's it to you?" I asked tonelessly taking a bite of my bread
"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I chocked on the bread in my mouth coughing, I gladly accept a glass of water from mum and drank untill I emptied the entire cup

"You know it's not a bad idea, you are seventeen, you should go out more often and have fun like girls your age and..."

Thankfully at the moment the honk of a car sounded, sash was here, I wouldn't have to listen to one of mum's many lecture this morning

"Bye mum!" I yelled as I grabbed my stuff and went outside to meet her

"Why are you looking all flustered?" She asked giving me a look

You know the usual mum- boyfriend thing again " I replied

She turn on the stereo as we drove to school

"I didn't ask yesterday, but what happened between you and Mark? Is he back to bullying you?"

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