05 - House Party (I)

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A/N : I wrecked my brain for 15 mins yet couldn't find a better chapter name oh well 

In which a non-social Jisung goes to a house party for a change.

Jisung made his way through sweaty grinding bodies towards the corner in which the games were being played. He saw an empty spot and took a deep breath, 'It's all about confidence. And the thing about confidence is that no one knows whether it's real or not. Confidence'

Yes, Maddy Perez is THAT bitch. Queen shit.

He wiggled himself into the empty spot, which was beside Felix who was busy giggling about something in Changbin's ear. "Hey, this spot taken?" he smiled. The boy turned away from his boyfriend, startled "What?" "Can I sit here?" Jisung said, a bit louder this time "Oh yeah sure!" he beamed.

"We're playing Never Have I Ever, you in? I'm Felix by the way." "Cool. I'm Jisung." "Guys guys," Felix snapped his fingers, grabbing everyone's attention "This is Jisung, he's playing too."

"Sure," the girl with the bright neon green hair said "I'm Aubrey." She did a not so discreet eye scan running through Jisung from top to bottom and took a drag from her vape.

Jisung timidly nodded. He was a whole 43 seconds into this and he was scared as shit already.

He knew Aubrey off course, and she was the most intimidating person he had ever seen. She had a shit middle school experience and turned the whole situation around in high school. Nobody dared mess with her, her siren gaze could kill. There was also a rumor going around that she's involved in gangs now.

"Soda or beer?" the boy sitting opposite Jisung asked "Huh?" "Your drink," he signalled to the red cup he was holding, and two bottles in his other hand. "Soda," he replied instantly. He poured him a cup and handed it to him "I'm Minho." "I'm Jisung" "Cool" "Cool"

"Alright, it's my turn now." Yiu said "Never have I ever kissed someone." Everyone took a sip out of their cups.

"Never have I ever broken a bone." The person next to Yiu said. Minho took a sip and the guy in the pink crop top next to him gasped "YOU HAVE BROKEN A BONE? AND I DO NOT KNOW?" "Hwang Hyunjin you dumbass you were literally there when it happened" Minho rolled his eyes "I WAS????" "Bitch when I fell off my skateboard" "Which time?" Hyunjin raised an eyebrow "Robbing that Karen?"

'I'm sorry, what?'

"Nah the other time." "Sex with the store owner and shoplifting later?" "No, when we spray painted penises on cop cars." "OH NOW I REMEMBER" Hyunjin exclaimed and burst into a fit of laughter "Best experience"

"This fucker," he leaned forward, pointing at Minho "Tried to look all badass while doing a flip running away from the cops, and fell on his butt and almost got arrested" He laughed, wiping a tear.

'That was a lot of information in 29 seconds.'

"Alright, me next. Never have I ever had a wet dream about a friend." Some of them took sips, Jisung noted how Felix giggled while looking at Minho while he gulped the drink and Minho gave him the mom eye glare that said 'Shut up before I hit you with my slipper.' Felix immediately turned to face the carpet.

"Never have I ever had a friend with benefits." Jisung took a long gulp, looking up to see a pair of eyes piercing into him "Really?" Minho mouthed, smirking. Jisung winked back at him, "Really good sex." he mouthed back. Minho just laughed.

"Okay let's go Seungmin," Johnny hit him on the back.

Seungmin looked at the person opposite him dead in the eye, "Never have I ever gotten detention for drenching a teacher in mustard, whom I thought was a friend, and then tried to sneak out of detention by seducing the teacher but got even more detention for it" he said.

Everyone turned to look at the person sitting opposite to him.


"OKAY ENOUGH." Felix flicked his cup across the circle, aiming for Seungmin, who dodged. "IT'S TRUTH OR DARE NOW."

After a long fit of laughter, everyone agreed upon the new game. "You wanna go first, Felix?" Aubrey smirked at him, who was burying his face into Changbin's neck. He shook his head "Seungmin you motherfucker." he muttered.

"I'll go, truth." Jisung said "Who's the hottest person in this circle?" Mark smirked. "Ha! Nice one bro." Johnny high fived him "Love ya bro." "Love ya more."

Jisung wanted to bury himself.

He knew the answer. He's known the answer for what, two years now? Since fucking freshman year?

He sighed. "Minho." colour rushed to his face as soon as he said that "No shit, really?" Felix screamed, Jisung shrugged and looked up at Minho, "You're fucking hot." he said it, he really couldn't care any less. He just laughed. "You too, princess."

Loud hoots and cheers erupted around them but Jisung could still hear his heart beating in his chest. He might as well jump off the roof.

A couple rounds later, it was Minho's turn "Dare," he said instantly. Hyunjin clapped his hands, as if in victory. "Kiss Jisung." The cheers erupted again. Something in Jisung told him the bro code was behind this and they probably rehearsed this, but he couldn't care any less.

"Okay," Minho leaned forward "Okay," Jisung leaned forward as well, without thinking twice. Pass up the chance to kiss the Lee Minho? No way.

The circle's cheers had died down into silence and they could feel each other's breaths. In the most gentle voice, Minho said, "Can I kiss you?" Jisung just connected their lips in response. Minho's hand moved up to cup his face. He tasted like strawberry beer but Jisung didn't mind.

He couldn't hear the cheers around them, all he could hear was Minho's low hums as they kissed and his own heart beating like crazy. "You're cute." his soft lips brushed against his. 

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