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"you can go for lunch, i'll clean up here!" jangmi said, dal tilting his head. "are you sure noona?" "yes! you need to eat. we have a busy schedule in the afternoon." grabbing his bag, dal waved, finding his way to the company cafeteria.

he gasped as he walked around the building. "it's so pretty here." dal smiled, pressing the button for elevator, getting in to the open doors and clicking the panel for the 18th floor.

exiting into the corridor, he turned right, the medium wood color of the cafeteria greeting his eyes. getting into the line, dal took a metal tray, putting the different banchan into the small compartments. grabbing the given bowl of naengmyeon, he grabbed a peach juice and walked to the cashier, taking out his wallet to pay.

"thank you." dal bowed, his eyes scanning around the cafeteria to find an open table. over by the window, he saw the girl and boy from the studio laughing amongst each other, making his where they were. "do you mind if i sit here?" dal asked, the boy smiling brightly. "nope. feel free."

a silence was spread before the girl opened her mouth. "are you one of the new employees?" dal nodded, wiping his mouth with the edge of his hand. "i'm shin eunjoo. s.coups' stylist." "i'm lee wooseok. i started here today." a bright smile broke out on dal's face, thinking that name was familiar. "did you work for mr. choi's family brand?" wooseok nodded, dal's body still in shock. "he would always talk about you! i'm yoon dal." a look of realization passed over wooseok's face, eunjoo happy at the two bonding. "oh you're dal!"

the three happily chatted, eunjoo talking about her time at the company. "i joined hybe as a txt stylist, but i got moved to seventeen after seungcheol's stylist left." the two boy's nodded, dal opening the bottle of juice and taking a sip. "we're close friends. he actually introduced me to my girlfriend." wooseok gasped, kicking his feet. "show us show us noona." laughing, the eldest pulled out her phone, showing the album dedicated to her partner. "her name's iseul." "she's so pretty." dal smiled, a proud aura radiating from eunjoo.

"what about you wooseok? are you dating someone?" dal asked, wooseok laughing. "i haven't been in a relationship in a long time. no one's found my liking." high fiving the guy across the table, the group laughed again, eunjoo taking a bite from her tray. "and you dal?" eunjoo asked, taking a sip of her water. "i dated during cosmetology school but we broke up after graduation."

a happy silence filled the table, dal clearing the sections of his tray. "stand up." eunjoo said, hitting wooseok's shoulder. "what?" "stand up." confused, dal stood up, 5 guys appearing in front of their table. "hello." eunjoo said, bowing deeply. "eunjoo noona!" the shortest one said, running happily to the female stylist.

"taehyun!" she smiled, hugging the boy back. wooseok and dal looked confused, eunjoo smiling in realization. "this is txt." a look of understanding went over the two boy's faces, quickly bowing. "i'm wooseok and that's dal." dal nodded, a handsome looking boy staring at him. "are you new here?" "yes, we started today." dal spewed out, taking a deep breath.

"yeonjun, let's not bother them." another member said, putting his hand on his shoulder. "we'll let you enjoy your break." the three waved, sitting back down into their seats. "they were handsome." dal muttered, wooseok agreeing with him, food in his mouth. "they're so young, the youngest is 2002."

the two slammed their chopsticks down, confused. "2002?" they whisper-yelled, eunjoo nodding sadly. "we're getting old." "you're 97 right?" wooseok asked, dal nodding. "i'm june 7th." "i'm november 21st." sighing, eunjoo wiped her mouth, stacking the tray up. "i'm january 1st 95."

another silence entered, dal stacking the trays, standing up. "i'll be right back." bringing the stack to the disposal, he removed the food waste, stacking the trays and bowls with the other. "it's almost time for us to go." eunjoo said, taking her bag, wooseok following after her. "it was nice having lunch with you guys." dal smiled, picking up his bag. "see you in a bit."

walking away, dal started down the hallway, looking for a restroom as eunjoo and wooseok went into the elevator. walking in, he washed his hands, touching up his hair in the mirror.

"i'm pretty." he smiled. "very pretty."

words: 747

lovely sunflowers
my amazing sunflowers
you're so pretty

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