chapter 12

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Aarynsh pov:

I am driving don't know where.

Today my driver didn't come so I am driving without any destination to fresh up my mind.

I stop my car at a little isolated place, and came out.

There's a park.

I started to walk that direction.

I can hear some gigglings also.

After walking a little more , I saw some children with a girl sitting there loughing.

I can't see the girl face.

After some time she faced towards me.

It's her....

Am I started to hallucinating her???
No she looks real.

What is she doing here.

She looks simple and cute.

I started to remember her every facial features.

And one thing I realised I can see her like this without being bored.

After some she got a call .

She kiss the children.

Lucky children.......

She left, I also followed her. She went towards a car there are 3 boys and one girl.

She entered in the car with them and left.

Who are they???

Is one of the boys is her boyfriend???

Thinking about her boyfriend my heart become heavy.

I also left.

Sometimes later:

I am doing some files but my whole concentration is on her..

This is first time my work could not able to distract me.

What are you doing to me missstranger?????

I don't know why my for the first time my heart craving for something.

And the craving is you..

I don't know what is this feeling??

I want to watch you.

I want to talk to you.

The way you are feeding the children candy first time I want to feed by someone or certainly by you.

The way you kiss them I also want to get a kiss from you.

Most importantly I want your presence in my life, beside me every time.

But what...... what if you are already committed , what will I do?
I don't even know a single thing about you.


I will go to find out about you......

Let's see what happens?????

Next morning:

I am getting ready.

I already informed Atul about my absence.

Then I went to my car and drive to hospital where I seen her for the first time.

I reached in front of hospital wear my mask then went inside, start to search for her

Some hours later:


I am feeling helpless right now.

I found every inch of this hospital but couldn't able to find her.

I bitterly chuckled.

I forgot, I am not that much lucky to find peace in my life.

I should not have craved for something which is not in my destiny.

With heavy heart I started to go towards my car crossing the road.

But suddenly.....

Someone dragged me and I fell on the road side, I hissed cuz my head hit with the road.


Someone yelled at me and when I look at her I became froze!!!

It's her......

My stranger who has already occupied my mind .


She yelled again. But right now I am deaf for her words, I am only watching her.

I started to smile like creep.

But thank God I have wore my mask otherwise people gonna thought that I am mentally ill.

But suddenly I started to feel Little dizzy.

So I hold my head but didn't look away from her

She suddenly stop shouting and kneeled to my level.

"OMG your head is bleeding. It need dressing. Let's go." She said touching my wound

"Are you feeling dizzy??".

She asked again
I just nodded a little
Then she helped me to get up and started to take me inside.

She took me inside some cabin and made me sit on a bench and started to open antiseptic.

I take off my mask.

"Saw me yo......"

She stopped talking and look at me a little shocked but composed herself quickly.

Started to treat my wound.

I hissed a little..

And you know what she did???

She blow air to my wound.

I am feeling like I reached my destination.

I just want to sit here and watch her.

I want her to cure my every wounds.

Can she???

She very carefully, very gently treat my wound.

Nobody treated me like this.

I know he did but unfortunately I didn't remember many.

"Done" my thoughts broke but her

She then prescribed some medicine and told me to buy .

Suddenly someone barged and said
"Dr. Ishanvi, Dr. Hemant is asking for you"

"Okay you go I am coming" she replied

Then turn towards me
"Buy those medicines and complete the dosage and you should not let touch water to your would, it is not big but still be careful, okay??"

I just nodded.

She left...

I am just looking at her disappearing figure.

Soooooo how is the chapter???

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