chapter 25

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"Someone..." You broke apart from Kilgore, looking back and forth between his eyes. But you couldn't finish your sentence, afraid that the moment you separated from him, all the emotional turmoil you felt so good burying would return back at full force. But you did, anyway, fearful of the presence you felt to your right.

His brows stitched together confusedly, as if he did not understand you. His stellar intuition must have been muted by the kiss — for in any other scenario, he would've noticed if someone was watching you right away.

Your head whipped to the right, and you saw him. Simon Riley stood casually upon the wall of the warehouse, his shoulder crushing the greenery that had grown into the stone bricks. His eyes were two unamused slits, his arms crossed over his broad chest. Like usual, he wore all black, generally unseeable in the darkness if you did not look close enough.

"Simo-" you began, pulling yourself from König.

"It's about time for you to talk to Hofmann, eh, Odile?" he interrupted. Though he did not appear angry, or hurt, anything of the sort. Only amused and cocky. It bothered you.

"Why did you take my father?" you said, pacing around the chamber impatiently. Mr. Hofmann sat uncomfortable in a beaten wooden chair. He was unbounded, for you and the rest of the Task Force were completely aware that if he tried anything, he would lose his life quite quickly.

He pursed his lips, remaining silent.

"Why..." you said through gritted teeth, slamming your hands down onto the armrests of the chair in which he sat. He flinched. "...did you take him?"

"It wasn't anything Hassan asked of me, if that's what you're worried about," Hofmann spat. His forehead wrinkled in fury, his old, sunken face contorting in resentment. "And I don't know why you expect me to tell you in anything. You killed my fucking brother!"

"And you're next if you don't fess up, connard," you countered.

His eyes were bloodshot and glossy, and his body shook and trembled. He was afraid. He had not expected to be caught. "I did it because I knew you were here. You and your... boy band."

"Does Hassan know we're here?" Kilgore asked, his voice much less aggressive than your own.

"No," he cried. "I already told that psycho-ass skull mask guy that." He hung his head low. "What more do you want from me?! To kill me?"

"Don't be ridiculous, petit gâteau," you said in a baby-voice, taunting him, raising up from the chair and swaying your arms. You held a hand to your chest, smiling broadly. "We would never dream of it."

He lifted his head, his brows slanted in fear.

"He was leverage, okay?" Hofmann said. "In case you would try and kill me or my brother."

"One down," you grinned.

"Just spare my life and let me go," he pleaded. "Please. I'll tell you where my men have him."

You glanced at König in amusement, though he was not as thrilled about Hofmann's declaration as you were. "Ich liebe es einfach wenn sie betteln."

Kilgore's eyes flashed with something unreadable in response.

"Fine," you dropped the fake amusement. "We'll let you go. Just tell me where my son-of-a-bitch dad is."

"There's an old cottage north of here," he said quickly, eager to get out of here. "He's there."

"Be more specific," you demanded.

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