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We stole not only gold and valuables, but also candles, thimbles, frying pans, thread, soap, kettles, cloth, animal skins, spices, sugar, cocoa, navigational instruments, knives, gunpowder, bullets, and weapons. If our ship had suffered any damage during the boarding, then we would also plunder wood or parts of the enemy ship in order to repair it.

I was always surprised when Arenis would raise our true flag and most of the ships, now in range, would immediately surrender. It was impressive how that simple symbol instilled such terror. Sometimes it took a couple of warning shots flying over the enemy ship to ensure surrender without damaging it.

Sometimes, to instil even more fear, we coloured our faces white, as if we were ghosts. Some sailors made themselves dentures out of animal teeth, they filed them down until they became sharp, others put on garish, baggy clothes to look even bigger and scarier. When the sailors on the galleons saw us, they were shocked and threw their weapons ashore without delay.

For Arenis, it seemed important to keep that fear and all those legends that swirled up and down the Atlantic alive. She recommended that we act like madmen, screaming and behaving like monsters. I liked to put myself in the part and amusedly observe the show we created. Sometimes I couldn't hold back the smiles and had to walk away so as not to spoil everything.

"Good job," Arenis told me once, when she split the loot and came to deliver my share.

"When are you going to let me escape, Captain?"

She looked around, worried that someone might hear us. "I told you: as soon as the opportunity presents itself."

"It's been almost a month."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"You didn't lie to me, did you?"

She shook her head, resolute. "No. I didn't lie to you."

I sighed, not entirely convinced of the sincerity of her words. "I wish I could trust you, I really do, but I keep thinking you're just messing with me."

"Have a little more patience, Miss Adler. I know that all this is not easy for you."

"Actually, it's all getting too easy. And that scares me."

"Too easy?"

"The pirate's life."

"A ship to the southwest!" someone shouted.

We all ran aft to see who was chasing us. We noticed the ship sailing full speed ahead, heading straight for us.

"What is it? A freighter?" I asked, but got no answer. No one knew.

A moment later, Arenis emerged right behind me, a spyglass in her hands. She opened it with a hasty gesture and pointed it toward the vessel.

I leaned my weight from one leg to the other. I was frightened. Who were they? Spanish? English? The navy? Were they going to attack us?

With a lump in my throat, I watched Arenis's face as she looked through the spyglass to try and identify the ship.

"Captain?" called Dinnington. "Shall I give the order for the crew to arm themselves?"

Arenis did not answer. She just stood there in complete silence, saying nothing.

The tension increased. The ship was getting closer and closer, and the Captain did not utter a word.

"Captain? We await your orders."

"They're gaining more and more ground! They have the wind in their sails!"

Then, Arenis smiled.

That reaction took everyone by surprise. Had she gone mad?

Arenis lowered the spyglass and turned to everyone. "Drop anchor, stop the ship. That's the Llorona."

Treasure of the sea |Lesbian story|Where stories live. Discover now