chapter 29

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"Okayyyy done!" Ailee clapped happily with the setting she spent an hour on.

There was a blanket spread near the wild but maintained flowers in his huge garden and on it were chicken sandwiches, garlic and cheese pasta with fresh fruit juice.

"Let's go and call sugar now. I bet he is watching Despicable Me. He is obsessed with those little yellow dudes I tell you Doodle"

She talked animatedly with the puppy who she named Doodle.

She skipped her way to his office with Doodle hot on her tail.

knock knock

"You don't have to knock coco"

"I know but I prefer to"

"Am I allowed to leave now? I am fucking loosing my mind here" he asked holding her hand and rubbing circles on the back of it.

"Yeah we just came to escort you sir." She said bowing slightly.

Only then he looked at the puppy looking at both of them wagging his tail.

He grimaced and Doodle barked at him.

"Come on, I have a surprise for you," she said, smiling sweetly.

"And what is that?"

"A surprise." she nodded.

He rolled his eyes playfully and started walking out.

"Oh no no wait-"

She came and stood in front of him.

"Close your eyes. And no cheating."

He sighed and after walking downstairs he shut his eyes and Ailee guided him outside talking about how it was the collective efforts of her and the puppy.

"I'm opening my eyes" he said as soon as she announced that they were here.

He quickly opened his eyes and paused.

Her heart thumped loudly in her chest. Did he not like it?

"Well?"  She asked nervously, biting her lip.

Whereas on the other hand he was having a hard time understanding his emotions. He could clearly see her efforts. It was simple but done with so much love he doubted if he was worthy of it or not.

"Did you not like it?" she asked willing herself to not cry.

He finally turned around and cupped her face, planting a soft but firm kiss on her forehead. Pulling away he looked at her and stroked her cheek with his thumb.

"Fucking loved it. Thank you baby" he said, making her give a toothy smile.

"And Doodles too," he added.

"You're welcome"

They sat on the blanket and she gave him a purple flower.

"You said that you wanted to go on a date but since you can't go outside I set this little date for us here" she explained.

"Appreciate you, love" she blushed and played with the bracelet on his hand that she gifted him.

" But I could've stayed in the bedroom"

" No, it has a clear view of the garden. Couldn't have that happening now." She replied looking proud of herself and busied herself with serving food.

They ate and talked, well mostly Ailee did. He often found himself just admiring her talking and eating so carelessly. She also fed him his medicine after their meal.

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