Chapter 4

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Elijah’s POV

I looked around the room one last time and smiled. I hoped that she would like it.

I tried to include everything I knew she liked. There was a huge bookshelf in one corner of the room and a piano in the other. I put some classics on the bookshelf and I planned to take her to the bookstore so she could pick out her favorite books to put there.

“A piano?” I heard Damien’s voice and I turned around.

He was standing by the door, leaning on the doorframe and looking around disapprovingly.

“I think that she is spoiled enough,” Damien said. “We’ve been sending a shitload of money to James and Lizzie every month. She doesn’t need a piano.”

I rolled my eyes at turned back around to fold the towels for her bathroom.

“Leave, Damien,” I said. “I’m not interested in your childish comments.”

“What is childish about saying that she is probably a spoiled little girl?” Damien said as he did the opposite of what I asked him to do.

He was now walking around the room, looking at everything I did with a frown on his face.

God, I wished that I could punch him.

“You don’t even know her,” I said. “Did you ever talk to James and Lizzie about her? Did you even care?”

I bet he didn’t. He was a cold fucker who didn’t care about anyone other than himself.

Damien looked at me and clenched his fists.

“Of course I did,” he said angrily. “She is my sister. I know everything about her. That doesn’t mean that I want to spoil her.”

I threw the towel on the bed and crossed my arms over my chest.

“How is giving her a piano going to make her spoiled?” I asked. “She’s had it her whole life.”

Damien rolled his eyes but remained silent.

“You are just pissed that things didn’t go your way,” I said as I continued folding the towels. “You don’t have to take your anger out on her. She didn’t do anything wrong.”

She was a little girl who needed us to protect her from that fucker. And protect her we would. I would do anything to keep her safe.

I was very excited to finally have her here with us. I never agreed with sending her away. I wanted her to live with me. I wanted her to grow up with me. I was completely heartbroken when they sent her away, but my father didn’t even want to hear about her. She was lucky that he let her live.

That didn’t matter anymore. I finally got her back and I had 16 years to make up for. I couldn't wait to start. I couldn't wait to finally have my sister with me.

I picked up the towels and walked to the adjacent bathroom. I stocked it up with essentials only. She was probably bringing some of her own stuff and we would go shopping for anything she didn’t have.

“You realize that this isn’t permanent, right?” Damien asked as he followed me to the bathroom. “She will be going back to James and Lizzie as soon as we find the fucker. She may go back tomorrow. Every single one of our men is out there looking for him.”

I opened the cabinet and put the towels inside.

“We don’t know that,” I said calmly. “She could decide to stay. Alex and I would be more than happy to have her with us. You and your brothers are more than welcome to leave once the danger passes.”

I could feel the anger rolling off Damien. I smirked and looked at him over my shoulder.

“You can leave immediately,” I added. “We don’t need you to keep her safe.”

Rage flashed in Damien’s eyes. He took a step closer to me and clenched his fist.

“You fucking bast…,” he spoke, but he was interrupted when Lucas entered the bathroom.

“How am I the most mature one in this whole household?” Lucas sighed, looking at his brother disapprovingly. “I am the youngest. You should be the ones to talk some reason into me, not the other way around.”

I snorted and went back to folding the towels.

“He is annoying the shit out of me,” Damien said angrily.

Lucas sighed. “Get used to it. We are living together now, aren’t we?”

We were, but I still couldn't believe it. If someone told me that Alex and I would be moving in with our worst enemies I would have told them they were insane. Sophia was the only one who could make us do that.

I wondered how the fuck would we live together without killing each other.

“Is everything ready?” Lucas asked, making me look back at him and nod.

Damien mumbled something I couldn't hear, making Lucas roll his eyes at him.

“Larry just called,” Lucas said. “They will be here in 15 minutes.”

My heart raced and a huge smile spread across my face. I was so excited to finally see her. I couldn't wait to hug her and tell her how much I missed her.

I only saw her once. I got to hold her in my arms for a few minutes only before she was taken away. I was only 13 at the time, but I understood the importance of that moment. I already knew how much she would mean to me.

“Where are Alexander and Will?” Damien asked, making Lucas sigh again.

“Downstairs, bickering like two old hags,” Lucas said, making me snort. “I really hope that Soph is as mature as I am. It is hard living with children. I could use another adult around here.”

Both Damien and I rolled our eyes at him.

I closed the cupboard and walked out of the bathroom. Damien and Lucas followed me.

“I like the room,” Lucas said, looking around with a small smile on his face. “I hope that she will like it too.”

“Me too,” I said as I nodded and took another final look at the room.

She would be here in just a few minutes. Everything had to be perfect.

“Come on,” Damien said as he walked out of the room. “Let’s go downstairs. She will be here soon.”

Lucas and I followed him out. I took a deep breath and released it slowly. I was so nervous. I hoped that she would like us. I hoped that she would want to stay with us. I hoped that I would never have to say goodbye to her again.

I walked into the living room and looked at my brother. I could tell that he was as nervous as me.

“Is the room ready?” William asked.

I looked at him and nodded. He gulped and started pacing around the room.

“Why are you all so nervous?” Damien asked as he sat on the sofa. “She is just a 16-year-old girl who will live with us for a few days. We will give her back to them as soon as we get rid of the fucker.”

William looked at him murderously.

“She isn’t a random girl, Damien,” William said sternly. “She is our sister and we have to take good care of her. Lose the fucking attitude.”

Damien rolled his eyes. He wasn’t at all bothered that we were all staring at him like we wanted to kill him.

I heard the car pull up our driveway and my heart stopped beating.

She was here.

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