Chapter Twenty Six

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"The hurt is not enough. I long for weight and strength." - Robert Frost

Memory Lane: Chapter Twenty Six

By the time we get back, the clock is ticking well past midnight. Curfew was supposed to be closer to midnight, but oh well. Aunt June and Uncle Tim are both passed out asleep by now anyway, so maybe we can all sneak upstairs and go to bed without them realizing the time.

They don't often get angry. If anything, the Stallard's are very lenient parents and let Allen live life on a very long leash. But, if we push their rules then the leash is bound to get shorter. Trust goes both ways, and I know we have to be careful not to abuse the trust they've put in us.

My parents were the same way.

"Do you need my help getting Kendall and Quinn inside?" Jesse offers as I put the car in park and we step out.

The cold air once again hits my face and I'm thankful for Jesse's warm hoodie keeping me safe from the chilly wind.

Allen emerges and glances into the car with a sigh. "Don't worry about it. Another pair of footsteps will only make it louder inside."

Jesse nods, eyes shifting to me from across the roof of the car momentarily, but I avoid his gaze. The guilt on my shoulders has completely dampened the high that I was on.

Jesse watches me for a moment, hoping to catch my eye. I finally risk glancing at him, and when I do he gives me a small smile.

"Thanks for tonight."

His words are directed at both me and Allen, but the look in his eye shows the depth of the statement. I look away.

"I'll see you guys later," he says before he puts his hands into his jean pockets and starts across the yard to his own house.

"Ready to try and get these two inside?" Allen asks, his level of sobriety already up after the car ride.

I guess the shots of tequila didn't hit him as hard, given he's taller than the both Quinn and Kendall. It makes sense. He needs much more alcohol for it to do anything to him.

Quinn, post-upchuck, has pretty much passed out in the back of the car. Allen and I have to drag her out of the car and into the house, with a much too loud and giggly Kendall trailing behind us.

"Kendall, I love you, but please be quieter," Allen begs his girlfriend when we reach the front porch.

We both have an arm of Quinn's around our shoulders as we carry her with us, and he glances at Kendall over his shoulder with a slight grimace.

"That's no way to get lucky," Kendall whines, albeit in a loud whisper rather than her loud cheer voice she's been using for the last hour. So, at least she listened.

"Okay first: gross," I mutter, "and second: he's right. Uncle Tim and Aunt June are asleep and pretty sure they think we got home an hour ago. This has to be stealthy."

"Stealthy is my-" hiccup "-middle name!"

I blink at her. "I can tell from the way you shouted that."

She flinches with a sheepish smile and pantomimes zipping her lips shut and tosses the imaginary key over her shoulder. Allen sends her a small smile and we continue our 'stealth' mission to get inside and upstairs without waking Aunt June or Uncle Tim.

Fortunately for us, we make it without so much as a floorboard creak.

"Where are we dropping her?" Allen whisper-shouts as we haul Quinn into my room.

Memory LaneOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant